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Author Topic: What happened to Mo-Rich?  (Read 78214 times)


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What happened to Mo-Rich?
« on: November 21, 2010, 04:00:48 AM »
Just a couple of years or so ago, it seemed that Mo-Rich was climbing the ladder. They had lots of good stuff with lots of innovation, and one of the brightest designers in the industry.

 Then, for whatever reason, things have seemed to cool WAY down.  There aren't that many who still talk about them much here, and very little buzz seems to exist as to whether they are coming out with new stuff or not.

 They just came out with the Perpetual Motion, and it seemed to be mentioned here almost as an afterthought.

 Does anyone here know?
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #46 on: September 13, 2012, 07:16:24 PM »
My Mania rolled so good for me. I loved it. The new stuff compared to the old stuff is like night and day. With the old stuff, they were awesome if the drilling matched up with your game, they were anchors if it didn't match up. The new equipment is much more driller friendly. I would still be throwing mine if I wasn't on Seismic staff.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2012, 04:00:27 PM »
I think the big decline happened when the PBA and the USBC limited the RG Diff or whatever so that balls that were like the Lane # Cherry Bomb and the Super Carbide Bomb where the last ones that had those crazy numbers with the core to give it 8"+ of flare.. I had both of those and it was sick on how many rings and how far apart they were...   There was a reason the Cherry Bomb would be so angular and that was it was not only flaring so much it was flaring a lot PER ring.. over an inch on some parts and the weight block kept flipping and that just caused that ball to turn a corner and slam the pins...  at least on most house shots..  But the PBA saw what was going on, and slammed the door on those balls or the continuation of those balls...  I think that may have hurt them, and those number would allow them to really put a core in a ball that would probably make a pearl go really long and yet be really angular and slam the pocket..

Just my thoughts... but I had to give up bowling a few years ago do to being diagnosed with two severe disease...

-RyanHelme aka (IceEmQuick on the old ballreviews)
RyanHelme aka IceEmQuick (on the old Ballreviews).
Lane #1 is my brand of Choice.
Just because a ball brand is made in Mexico doesn't mean it is a crappy ball.  They had problems years ago for 1 or two balls, but got it together.  Mexican balls work just as good.  My ex-wife says so.. ;-)


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2012, 04:23:15 PM »
JLS the big proshop guy is now saying the the dual angle method is too much work? And the proshop guy shouldn't watch you throw the ball to help get an idea on how he may want to drill the ball for you? I'm assuming that is because you don't need to know their PAP is why? Ouch!!!! Hard to speak up for your shop and all your "services" when you choose not to do the bare minimum for the "customer" who is paying for the "experience" you speak of.

(Pound keys here)

Having a general idea of the bowlers style and ability goes along ways in laying out a bowling ball for someone. The dual angle method literally takes a minute to do laying out a ball. Yes there are 5 total lines vs 1 but it is like connect the dots and literally takes a minute to do.

I agree the bowling balls today literally are idiot proof. Still taking the extra minute or two to make sure and know the bowlers pap and style of bowling before drilling said idiot proof ball is not asking too much.

As mentioned earlier, your options in most places are 1) pin up 2) pin down

…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #49 on: September 14, 2012, 04:29:53 PM »
They I believe are a regional ball, more around NY area mostly BC they are sorta small. Here and there you see them.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #50 on: September 14, 2012, 04:48:09 PM »
So who pours Morich covers now, Brunswick or 900Global?

Impending Doom

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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #51 on: September 14, 2012, 05:05:27 PM »
I don't know. I know Lane 1 is getting pored by 900.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #52 on: September 14, 2012, 07:45:10 PM »
MoRich poured by Big B. 

My belief like most equipment if the local driller is into offering different companies then you will see smaller brands if not then you won't.  In my area Madison, WI there are some MoRich users but overall it is a Storm town mainly because of riggs who helps promote the brand locally.



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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #53 on: September 15, 2012, 07:57:53 AM »
I believe one thing that is hurting them is they don't sign nobody to staff to promote their stuff in different locales. Get some people/shops in different cities to carry or promote your stuff so a vast majority of people ask questions cause you want people interested. I just signed with Seismic and you wouldn't believe the comments I receive about them. Who are they, where are they made, I've never heard of them. Getting the balls in the right hands and getting someone to promote your stuff in areas that even though Seismic is poured out of SA and I live in Texas, people here know nothing about them until I talk to them about the company. I've sold a bunch already and people are surprised how good smaller, off brand companies are. I think people are scared to try something new and not one of the big 4 or 5 I guess. In the DFW area, I really only saw one other person throwing Morich and that's it. Now DFW is one or if not the best bowling places to be and to only have a couple bowlers throwing your stuff is not good.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #54 on: September 15, 2012, 10:38:57 AM »
JLS the big proshop guy is now saying the the dual angle method is too much work? And the proshop guy shouldn't watch you throw the ball to help get an idea on how he may want to drill the ball for you? I'm assuming that is because you don't need to know their PAP is why? Ouch!!!! Hard to speak up for your shop and all your "services" when you choose not to do the bare minimum for the "customer" who is paying for the "experience" you speak of.

(Pound keys here)

Having a general idea of the bowlers style and ability goes along ways in laying out a bowling ball for someone. The dual angle method literally takes a minute to do laying out a ball. Yes there are 5 total lines vs 1 but it is like connect the dots and literally takes a minute to do.

I agree the bowling balls today literally are idiot proof. Still taking the extra minute or two to make sure and know the bowlers pap and style of bowling before drilling said idiot proof ball is not asking too much.

As mentioned earlier, your options in most places are 1) pin up 2) pin down

Actually you are putting words into my mouth... Never said that...What I said
was that the consumer expects a pro shop to spend HOURS drilling one ball...

And that is not possible if one is in a SHOP...Now maybe for guys like you that
work out of your garage that's OK...You don't pay rent...

Try opening a shop and pay rent and get back to me with how spending Hours to drill a ball works out...

It's people like you that give REAL pro shops a bad name...And CERTAIN companies that SELL to you even tho you are not a pro shop, are not helping...

Reading is a skill...I said clearly a real pro shop can fit and drill a ball under 4 hours...

You come on and make Keyboard Pounders think that they are getting screwed by real pro shops if they don't spend BOO KOO hours drilling their ball and charge only $25...Like you basement ball drillers do...

And I never said it took too long to lay a ball out...what I said was the
consumer thinks it should take a shop hours to lay out and drill a ball...and all for less than $50..

Open a real shop and lets see how much time you take...

Until then STFU....

nice try, trying to TWIST AND TURN what I posted...

Now why don't you come on and post how you are able to buy all of the
packages Ebonite sells...Track, Hammer, Columbia and Ebonite...EVEN



Now I couldn't help but notice that THERE WERE NO POST ON THIS SITE SINCE



my work here is done...

« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:54:23 AM by jls »


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #55 on: September 15, 2012, 11:27:16 AM »
JLS the big proshop guy is now saying the the dual angle method is too much work? And the proshop guy shouldn't watch you throw the ball to help get an idea on how he may want to drill the ball for you? I'm assuming that is because you don't need to know their PAP is why? Ouch!!!! Hard to speak up for your shop and all your "services" when you choose not to do the bare minimum for the "customer" who is paying for the "experience" you speak of.

(Pound keys here)

Having a general idea of the bowlers style and ability goes along ways in laying out a bowling ball for someone. The dual angle method literally takes a minute to do laying out a ball. Yes there are 5 total lines vs 1 but it is like connect the dots and literally takes a minute to do.

I agree the bowling balls today literally are idiot proof. Still taking the extra minute or two to make sure and know the bowlers pap and style of bowling before drilling said idiot proof ball is not asking too much.

As mentioned earlier, your options in most places are 1) pin up 2) pin down

Actually you are putting words into my mouth... Never said that...What I said
was that the consumer expects a pro shop to spend HOURS drilling one ball...

And that is not possible if one is in a SHOP...Now maybe for guys like you that
work out of your garage that's OK...You don't pay rent...

Try opening a shop and pay rent and get back to me with how spending Hours to drill a ball works out...

It's people like you that give REAL pro shops a bad name...And CERTAIN companies that SELL to you even tho you are not a pro shop, are not helping...

Reading is a skill...I said clearly a real pro shop can fit and drill a ball under 4 hours...

You come on and make Keyboard Pounders think that they are getting screwed by real pro shops if they don't spend BOO KOO hours drilling their ball and charge only $25...Like you basement ball drillers do...

And I never said it took too long to lay a ball out...what I said was the
consumer thinks it should take a shop hours to lay out and drill a ball...and all for less than $50..

Open a real shop and lets see how much time you take...

Until then STFU....

nice try, trying to TWIST AND TURN what I posted...

Now why don't you come on and post how you are able to buy all of the
packages Ebonite sells...Track, Hammer, Columbia and Ebonite...EVEN



Now I couldn't help but notice that THERE WERE NO POST ON THIS SITE SINCE



my work here is done...


Not attacking you by any means but....... what are you talking about? Who comes into your shop and demands a 4 hour fitting? You said that the dual angle method had too many lines. No, it really doesnt. You said using his method of fitting takes 4 hours, Takes 5 mins to fit. 5 mins to drill. Trim up and the customers out the door. Besides that, no customer wants to spend 4 hours in a pro shop. Im not a morich guy but Mo Pinel frequents my home shop and hes always teaching or explaining or clarifying to help guys like myself who want to make the pro shop into a means of putting food on the table. I just dont exactly understand what your gripe is. Again, not attacking, just need clarification
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #56 on: September 15, 2012, 12:12:57 PM »
Righty.... No I did not... I said consumers are led to believe that if a
pro shop doesn't spend time watching them bowl both before and after they
feel the pro shop is not giving them good service...

Basement ball drillers on this site like to post..."if your pro shop guy doesn't
watch you bowl, take forever to lay a ball out, have his daughter wash your car
and have his wife make you lunch, and all for $25...Then you are not getting good service"....

It doesn't take a driller that long to lay out a ball, if he's knows what he is

Now in the big city with the tall bulidings very few pro shops can take
hours to drill a ball...And do it for $25 profit the way basement ball drillings
like to claim is proper...

Yesterday I waited on 27 customer' a 10 hour day...Drilling new balls,
taking in plugs, polishing balls, etc etc etc...Did not sell 27 balls...Waited
on 27 customers!!!!!

Doing the math, there is no way a shop can afford to take hours to drill a ball
and wait on their customers...This does not mean the shop is short changing
anyone...Most balls can be fitted and drilled in about 30 minutes or so...

Now this Kid person loves to knock real pro shops...He loves to brag about
how CHEAP he can buys Ebonite balls for...And he leads people on
this site to think that pro shops are OVER Charging them...

This is not true... Most shops barely make $50-$60 on the sale of  a ball...

Now it is true that some pro shops feel using the dual angle takes too much
time...But that is simply not true...As someone said you can lay a ball out in
about a minute to two...

Now I'm heading to the golf course... :D

have a nice day

« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 01:37:51 PM by jls »


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #57 on: September 15, 2012, 04:42:26 PM »
starting with the LevRG the huge market for these balls were how you could drill them and they be totally different with different layouts. Watch any of the videos on their site and you'll see 2 of whatever ball one strong one weak to show how different reaction you can get with the same ball with different layouts.... your ave joe blow customer isn't goin to be buying 2 high end of the same ball 99% of the time. Combine the sensitivity of the layout to alot of pro shop operators that don't take the time to measure tilt/rotation/PAP and you get balls reacting a way the customer didn't want, thus a "DUD" just my theory about why these balls are not as popular.
The Bowler's Edge Pro Shop

BINGO we have a winner here....Simply put,   Morich tends to make 2+2=4 the hard way...

They want you to take 32 and divide it by 2 to= 16...Then add 4 to=20,  then divide that by 5 to = 4..

When most pro shops already know that 2+2 will = 4...

drawing all those lines all over the ball... Come on, that was a little over kill...

Most pro shops simply Don't have the time to spend an hour laying out and drilling a  ball...

Not in  today's ECONOMY...

Sure if you are drilling a ball for Joe Pro Tour, maybe...But lets get real here...

Most bowlers are not Joe pro's...

You can fit them and properly lay out a ball for them in less time...

Many drillers I have talked too all said pretty much the same thing...
Morich makes it way to complicated...
and that is why so MANY shops stop carrying them...

Now I'm sure someone will come on and say you need to take three days to properly lay out a ball..."Cause that's the way my guy does it"  IN HIS BASEMENT... :D ;) :)

You must watch the bowler eat drink and sleep to make sure you have his PAP...Then you must drill him a plastic ball to make sure his PAP is right...

Then you must watch him bowl for 6 hours so you can see his style...

And then and only then can you drill him a ball...

Which you may make $25-$50 on....

Get real already

For all you people who think a pro shop needs to spend HOURS to properly
drill your ball...Why don't you open a pro shop and DO THAT...

And get back to US on how well you are doing...

Cause "AIN'T" no way you will survive drilling one ball in six hours...
while making about $30-$50 on it...

Talk is CHEAP...

So chop chop... Open a shop,  order Morich balls and get back to us with
a progress report...

Ya like that will ever happen... :) ;) ;D

Talk is cheap... :D :)

Not putting a word in your mouth, just going off what i read. Consumers are led to believe that your driller should be able to map out a reaction for them not spend a lot of time fitting and drilling them a ball. Most customers dont want to be in the pro shop any longer than they have to. If the driller has never seen the bowler,  then yes he should watch a shot or 2 to get a make up or get a pap, tilt, etc; or at the least map their stats off a tracked ball. You cant blame the customer for wanting a drillers undivided attention in going through the process of drilling a ball they're going to spend $200 dollars on. They are intrusting the driller give them the best possible reaction and fit for what they pay for.
I dont know what you and KID have going on and thats none of my business. Just again going off what i read.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #58 on: September 15, 2012, 05:26:29 PM »

They want you to take 32 and divide it by 2 to= 16...Then add 4 to=20,  then divide that by 5 to = 4..

When most pro shops already know that 2+2 will = 4...

drawing all those lines all over the ball... Come on, that was a little over kill...

Most pro shops simply Don't have the time to spend an hour laying out and drilling a  ball...

Not in  today's ECONOMY...

You can fit them and properly lay out a ball for them in less time...

Many drillers I have talked too all said pretty much the same thing...
Morich makes it way to complicated...
and that is why so MANY shops stop carrying them...

Not putting words in your mouth but what you said seems to be that dual angle is basically overkill and that apparently people stopped carrying Morich balls because of the drill instructions that are included in the box being too complicated???

So these shops can't ignore a drill sheet and drill the ball how they normally do or are they too slow to understand the basics of another layout method? You also said that taking an hour to layout and drill a ball is too long.

So how long does it take you to layout and drill said ball for someone?

You can find a bowlers pap if you don't already know it in a matter of minutes then use the dual angle or other methods to layout said ball and drill it. So literally taking your normal drill time and adding 5 minutes is too long for your customers?

I'm not suggesting nor reading on here anyone saying take 3 plus hours to layout and drill a ball. Literally an extra 5-10 minutes if you don't know a bowlers style or pap on top of your normal drill time is very little to ask.

Since I drill for me and me only and get great service every time I guess I am giving brick and mortar shops a bad name. At least I know I will get what I want and have it done right. I still get all the great EBI packs when need for resale in case your wondering. I don't discourage anyone from buying at their local shop. If you dont like their service you should go elsewhere. The biggest mark up in any business is in accessories not the main product. If you can get a better deal online I say go for it.

EBI also has a great product you should love for laying out bowling balls in their Blueprint program. It is all that overkill you love from your favorite pro brick and mortar company.

I would never own a proshop or any business in this economy and salute those who do. To suggest the consumer doesn't deserve the extra time when needed is absurd and you are the one making your business look bad by saying as much. Apply that to any other business you go to and see if you would continue giving them your service if they said:

"sorry we could have done it better with an extra 5-10 minutes but we chose not to."
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 08:06:21 PM by kidlost2000 »
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2012, 06:04:51 PM »
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

Impending Doom

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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #60 on: September 17, 2012, 12:07:42 PM »
You don't have to spend however many hours that jls stated on a customer to make them feel like they're getting a good deal. I used to spend an hour with the customer the first time, take them on the lane, let them warm up while i did something else in the shop, watch what their equipment was doing, discuss what they wanted, go back in the shop, pick a ball, choose a layout, and away we went. In that hours, I got his pap, showed that he was important to me as a customer, got a good read on what the guy wanted, and lined him up with the best ball I could recommend.

After that, I didn't have to spend all that much time with them when they wanted something else. It went something like this. "Ball A you drilled me is great, but I want something else, to fill a hole in my bag." How about Ball B? "If you think that's the best choice, put holes in it."

Customers deserve your time. Now, if you work in a standalone shop, you're limited. Nice part is you don't have to worry about the center, but the bad part is that you don't have to worry about the center. It's a double edged sword.