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Author Topic: What happened to Mo-Rich?  (Read 78235 times)


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What happened to Mo-Rich?
« on: November 21, 2010, 04:00:48 AM »
Just a couple of years or so ago, it seemed that Mo-Rich was climbing the ladder. They had lots of good stuff with lots of innovation, and one of the brightest designers in the industry.

 Then, for whatever reason, things have seemed to cool WAY down.  There aren't that many who still talk about them much here, and very little buzz seems to exist as to whether they are coming out with new stuff or not.

 They just came out with the Perpetual Motion, and it seemed to be mentioned here almost as an afterthought.

 Does anyone here know?
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2010, 09:17:50 AM »
I have to agree that they have some of the brightest minds in the game. I always jump on his site to see what he has cooking information wise.

Around here, his stuff is so overpowering in the front/mid-lane that about the only guys who regularity use his stuff are straighter players. Once in awhile someone will bust out the Awesome Flip when the lanes start to open up.

In my opinion it seemed around here like the interest in his stuff slowed down when the LevRG ball series ran its course. There were plenty who drilled the original and the NTense, a couple who got the Sold LevRG because we caught them a great close out price and passed it on to our customers. That also happened to be about when Walter Ray left MoRich and when you have a guy getting your ball on TV as often as he did, it definitely helps sales.
"Why don't you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to Sally Kellerman, his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2010, 01:45:56 AM »
It's not quiet, the noise has just been focused onto a different forum.

Same thing with Lane 1 on BBE.  It seems like there's a lot less Lane 1 talk, but in reality it's just slowly migrating to a more focused forum to avoid trolls.  In this case it'd be


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2010, 09:03:31 AM »

One can also say that it requires something other than an IQ equal to the size of your shoe to properly game plan, lay out, and drill a bowling ball. Not a knock on any one person but you're sure as hell not a pro in the pro shop business simply 'cause you bought a drill press.  The number of people that fail to identify a customer's needs before putting holes in a ball are astounding.

+1 for the truth.

Can't begin to imagine the number of shops that never ask about style or measure for PAP.  You get two drillings - label and "max hook."

I was in a shop and heard the guy ask the customer - "did we drill that last ball for maximum hook?  Did it have a 4th hole on the side?"  Of course he doesn't sell MoRich products.

As far as MoRich, I've only had a few balls (Archon and Total Annihilation) and never had a problem with any of them.  I do have a few NIB from the Lev line to drill up at a later date.

You will find good info at

It's nice that Mo takes time to participate and answer questions.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #34 on: December 01, 2010, 01:18:34 PM »
"Not a knock on any one person but you're sure as hell not a pro in the pro shop business simply 'cause you bought a drill press. The number of people that fail to identify a customer's needs before putting holes in a ball are astounding."

+1,000! had a customer come in today with a span that was 1/2 inch too long, with a round thumb the wrong thumb pitching and discoloring on both fingers. either the ball driller that originally drilled the ball missed by a mile or can't measure for jack.

in the last 6 years, there is been 2 proshops in particular that have changed ownership every two years or less because someone steps in that is a 220 average bowler and has a bevel sander. missed spans, pitching, you name it they dont even know how to use a minimal amount of glue to put in some inserts.

Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2010, 09:32:00 PM »
Well, I was leery also about Morich stuff. I bought a Brunswick Wild Ride, and it was the worst ball I ever used. So, I was looking for a new ball, and I wanted to know if Brunswick/Morich had improved their covers. So I went to the source on the Morich chat line. First I got the run around from others wanting to know my PAP, Rev Rate, etc. Finally MO himself got on their. He basically admitted that yes the Wild Ride wasn't what it was suppose to be (in fact another person got on there and stated the insiders called it the Mild Ride). By reading between the lines I figured that they (Brunswick/Morich) did have some below par covers. MO did tell me that they do use some of the identical covers as Brunswick on some of their Balls (usually lower performing stuff), but on their High end stuff they tweak the formula per Morich's specs. As far as Ebonite, I had some real duds with them, but I did have some good ones too. It was like a crap shoot with them. Inconsistent at best.
Breezy (gdog)

What!? Here is the link to the post he's talking about.

It was a user that called it the milde ride not these so called insiders.

I just started using MoRich ( Awesome Hook and Awesome Revs) and I like what I see thus far from the two.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2010, 10:54:08 PM »
Mo's new stuff is really good!!

The big problem I see is most people don't truly understand ball motion and what is happening on the lane. This includes a lot of ball drillers as well.

If a ball driller doesn't take the time truly match a ball with their customers game. They can make a great ball from any brand look like crap in a hurry.

I actally never drilled a MoRich ball until earlier thus year. I wanted to support Mo because of all good he does for the industry by educating the people who want to learn.

I'm very glad I made that decision. If you truly want to learn visit
Rick Guined

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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2010, 04:59:24 AM »
Mo's newer core designs in his asymmetric equipment aren't as layout sensitive as the monster 0.033 intermediate diff. cores he was using 2-3 years ago.

The Perpetual Motion is a symmetric core that even Mo admits is a "retread" but it's never been in a ball with a "super" coverstock.  The cover on this ball is what really makes it versatile.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2011, 12:07:39 AM »

'if" the pro shops would do more than just drill up a ball the way the customers want...then we would "not" be having this discussion!!!!!how many times have you seen people just get balls drilled up without the pro shop guy watching him/her bowl to find out if they are throwing the ball correctly or throwing the ball so flawed no matter what ball they throw it would be a turd!!!!when you have a truly professional pro shop and a guy who cares more about the customer than the customer's money you will find the customer happy and the pro shop happy!!!too many pro shops are just taking money instead of educating the bowling public!!!

Go hard or go home!!!!!Bowl your best...ALWAYS!!!

Also Sprach Zaruthstra

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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #39 on: May 12, 2011, 09:38:42 PM »
I know in local shops I have been too, Morich is VERY expensive whereas Storm/Roto, Ebo Int'l, 900G  are a lot cheaper...a lot cheaper.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2011, 10:42:15 PM »
Morich equipment on average should cost less then EBI from all the prices I've seen. As far as proshops being "pro"shops that is a whole other story. Our local centers proshops have two layouts, pin up and pin down. Weight hole location is based off of putting a hole where ever. It is amazing how little time and thought goes into drilling for the customer. 
That is why my brother and I got our own setup and learned everything we could about drilling and drilling layouts. He already had proshop experience and we were able to learn a lot more from there. 

Be good, or be good at it.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #41 on: August 21, 2012, 11:11:02 AM »
starting with the LevRG the huge market for these balls were how you could drill them and they be totally different with different layouts. Watch any of the videos on their site and you'll see 2 of whatever ball one strong one weak to show how different reaction you can get with the same ball with different layouts.... your ave joe blow customer isn't goin to be buying 2 high end of the same ball 99% of the time. Combine the sensitivity of the layout to alot of pro shop operators that don't take the time to measure tilt/rotation/PAP and you get balls reacting a way the customer didn't want, thus a "DUD" just my theory about why these balls are not as popular.
The Bowler's Edge Pro Shop

BINGO we have a winner here....Simply put,   Morich tends to make 2+2=4 the hard way...

They want you to take 32 and divide it by 2 to= 16...Then add 4 to=20,  then divide that by 5 to = 4..

When most pro shops already know that 2+2 will = 4...

drawing all those lines all over the ball... Come on, that was a little over kill...

Most pro shops simply Don't have the time to spend an hour laying out and drilling a  ball...

Not in  today's ECONOMY...

Sure if you are drilling a ball for Joe Pro Tour, maybe...But lets get real here...

Most bowlers are not Joe pro's...

You can fit them and properly lay out a ball for them in less time...

Many drillers I have talked too all said pretty much the same thing...
Morich makes it way to complicated...
and that is why so MANY shops stop carrying them...

Now I'm sure someone will come on and say you need to take three days to properly lay out a ball..."Cause that's the way my guy does it"  IN HIS BASEMENT... :D ;) :)

You must watch the bowler eat drink and sleep to make sure you have his PAP...Then you must drill him a plastic ball to make sure his PAP is right...

Then you must watch him bowl for 6 hours so you can see his style...

And then and only then can you drill him a ball...

Which you may make $25-$50 on....

Get real already

For all you people who think a pro shop needs to spend HOURS to properly
drill your ball...Why don't you open a pro shop and DO THAT...

And get back to US on how well you are doing...

Cause "AIN'T" no way you will survive drilling one ball in six hours...
while making about $30-$50 on it...

Talk is CHEAP...

So chop chop... Open a shop,  order Morich balls and get back to us with
a progress report...

Ya like that will ever happen... :) ;) ;D

Talk is cheap... :D :)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 11:24:24 AM by jls »

Doug Sterner

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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #42 on: September 08, 2012, 08:30:20 PM »
Mo-Rich is in the business of making high performance bowling balls. Due to the complexity of the cores they are incredibly versatile but also incredibly sensitive to every facet of the bowler's game and the ball's.

Layout, surface, weighthole placement, ball speed, axis rotation, axis tilt and rev rate matter more when the ball has a stronger core. So this is where MoRich got the "touchy" monicker.

I have been fortunate to have had some coaching by Mo himself over the last 2 years and he has given me some layouts to use on certain balls and all were spot on as long as I did my part as a bowler. Get slow, overrotate the ball, miss your mark or similar and the ball will not perform as intended. That is reason #1 for MoRich not becoming more mainstream.... reason #2 is the fact that far too many pro shops exist that won't take the time to check the bowler's specs and drill the ball accordingly to maximize the ball's reaction and performance..

Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #43 on: September 08, 2012, 09:56:59 PM »
Well, it doesnt take hours to properly fit and drill a ball. My former driller has pumped out as many as 15 balls in a day using the dual angle technique (Which by the way, has been adopted by a good majority of the shops that I've seen. As long as you know the PAP, you can use the method. Now other things factor in to fine tune a drilling but it doesnt take that long to properly fit and drill a ball, maybe at most, 15 mins.
Morich bowling is still around and making good pieces. The Locomotion is a really good symmetrical ball that hooks in the backend and has been selling well since it came out. The Hookr is a great asym for you heavier oiled THS. Mo doesnt feel the need to flood the market the "mix and match." Also, while other companies only have to focus on their company, Morich does work with the USBC and other companies in ball testing and technology. The Determinator keeps ball companies honest because before 2005 (the determinators release) companies were coming out with balls outside of high and Low rg pin specs set by USBC (i believe 1" for the pin and 1.25 for the mb). He also fought against the "label" rule of drilling that was going to be set by USBC to have all balls drilled pretty much label leverage. Not to mention coaching, pattern and lane machine testing and tuning, seminars for pro shop technicians, I'd say the man and company are pretty busy and dont really have to make a lot of balls to be successful. Mo's equipment are not hard to drill. Im a novice driller. Ive driller a Ravage (have one of the best reactions ive ever seen) and have had a mojave and a colossus solid which all rolled well. His equipment doesnt give bowlers the boomerang reaction they seek but a earlier, smoother and readable look that makes adjustments easier to make. We can go on and on but the morich does a lot behind the scenes that people just dont know about.

starting with the LevRG the huge market for these balls were how you could drill them and they be totally different with different layouts. Watch any of the videos on their site and you'll see 2 of whatever ball one strong one weak to show how different reaction you can get with the same ball with different layouts.... your ave joe blow customer isn't goin to be buying 2 high end of the same ball 99% of the time. Combine the sensitivity of the layout to alot of pro shop operators that don't take the time to measure tilt/rotation/PAP and you get balls reacting a way the customer didn't want, thus a "DUD" just my theory about why these balls are not as popular.
The Bowler's Edge Pro Shop

BINGO we have a winner here....Simply put,   Morich tends to make 2+2=4 the hard way...

They want you to take 32 and divide it by 2 to= 16...Then add 4 to=20,  then divide that by 5 to = 4..

When most pro shops already know that 2+2 will = 4...

drawing all those lines all over the ball... Come on, that was a little over kill...

Most pro shops simply Don't have the time to spend an hour laying out and drilling a  ball...

Not in  today's ECONOMY...

Sure if you are drilling a ball for Joe Pro Tour, maybe...But lets get real here...

Most bowlers are not Joe pro's...

You can fit them and properly lay out a ball for them in less time...

Many drillers I have talked too all said pretty much the same thing...
Morich makes it way to complicated...
and that is why so MANY shops stop carrying them...

Now I'm sure someone will come on and say you need to take three days to properly lay out a ball..."Cause that's the way my guy does it"  IN HIS BASEMENT... :D ;) :)

You must watch the bowler eat drink and sleep to make sure you have his PAP...Then you must drill him a plastic ball to make sure his PAP is right...

Then you must watch him bowl for 6 hours so you can see his style...

And then and only then can you drill him a ball...

Which you may make $25-$50 on....

Get real already

For all you people who think a pro shop needs to spend HOURS to properly
drill your ball...Why don't you open a pro shop and DO THAT...

And get back to US on how well you are doing...

Cause "AIN'T" no way you will survive drilling one ball in six hours...
while making about $30-$50 on it...

Talk is CHEAP...

So chop chop... Open a shop,  order Morich balls and get back to us with
a progress report...

Ya like that will ever happen... :) ;) ;D

Talk is cheap... :D :)
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member


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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #44 on: September 13, 2012, 01:19:10 PM »
Righty, no one is knocking the quality of their products...Until I posted,  there
hadn't been a post since MAY...

In my area, the interest in their balls has gone way down...

Why is that???  I don't know...

But I do know what I hear from other shop owners...

In today's tough economy, pro shops can't afford to spend hours fitting someone
for a ball and make less than $50...

People on this site have said OVER AN OVER....Did your guy see you bowl, did
he drill you a plastic ball to get your PAP... After drilling did he go out on the lanes and watch you bowl 6 games...Did his daughter wash your car while
his wife made you lunch...

Cause if he didn't,  then "run run to another shop"

People on this site are clueless  when it comes to running a pro shop...

Most pro shops I know of,  do a good job fitting the customer to the right
ball...But there is only so much time any REAL PRO SHOP can spend on
a customer...and stay in business...

You are right when you or others say some shops don't want to bother with
some of these high tech drilling's...


And it's tough to have to deal with KEYBOARD POUNDERS who come on
this site while at work and try to pretend they are ball drillers...

Shooting an honor score does not make ONE a BOWLER...

Not in today's world of bowling...

Keyboard Pounders read something online that they really don't fully understand and think they know more than a professional driller...

My all time favorite is when they come in and ask for a ball to snap hard on

Now once again, this is no knock on Morich...However it does appear that their
sales are not what they were a few years back...

I guess most pro shops prefer the KISS method...

Cause you really can't afford to spend hours on one ball and make MAYBE
$50...Keyboard Pounders expect to get paid...And they spend most of their
days surfing the net on company time...

And what they don't understand is,   You can layout a ball the same without
all the extra toppings...And have the ball perform...

This isn't Rocket Science...

BTW,  Glad to see that one or two Morich fans actually responded...

Cause there were ZERO responses since May...

And I don't want to hear that it was summer....Cause most of the other sites
have had daily responses...

So Morich people,   get out there and order a Morich ball...

and make sure your GUY watches you bowl before during and after...

And all for about $25....


have a nice day

Impending Doom

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Re: What happened to Mo-Rich?
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2012, 01:47:38 PM »
Personally, I don't feel like the MoRich stuff rolls well for me. I was using the Awesome series (Tried the Hook and the Revs) and disliked them both. The AH rolled like garbage for me (gave it away), and the AR was nominal at best. They're big engines, big tires, and usually people don't see enough oil for it. The AR carried awesome light, but if I hit the hole solid, I left something. Wasn't for me. I think at the time they were also using Brunswick covers, which I have never had much luck with after Powerkoil.