These are the houses I frequently play... but5 only available in German:
Local lanes and typical conditions:#1: DBV Club House, Duesseldorf Benrath10 lanes; Small, but a gem. Slippery 1994 Brunswick synth lane (ProAnvil?) with 39-41' sports pattern. Always a challenge and with dramatic changes due to oil movement, humidity, temperature. Separates those-who-can-play-the-ball from wannabees. Bowl well here, and you'll do fine anywhere! Stars like Mike Aulby have played here in the 90ies. Treff Bowling, Duisburg22 lanes; 2004 revamped System 300 synth lanes in neighboring town with a 38-40' crown oil pattern. Slick, difficult to play. Particle works fine. Home of German champion team.
Pro shop of Michael Kraemer, national team member and Brunswick staff player.
http://www.bowlingtreff-duisburg.dehttp://www.michaels-proshop.de Cosmo Bowling, Duesseldorf Gerresheim28 lanes; 2001 Brunswick synth lane with only 30-33' of light-medium oil and high-scoring 7 dry outside boards. Tends to dry up soon and becomes spotty through social bowlers and irregular maintenance, rather meant for entertainment. A control challenge! Joe's Superbowling, Mülheim a. d. R.28 lanes; Brunswick AnvilLane with 35' buffed to 38' medium oil pattern with 3 dry outside boards. Slick, similar to Duisburg when fresh, but with a grippy backend when played down. Site of the World Games 2005 bowling competitions.
http://www.joes-superbowling.de Knippi's Bowling Palace, Oberhausen20 lanes; Brand new house opened in August 2005. Brunswick AnvilLane. Clean and nice, much oil and a slick pattern with no dry outside boards. Nice to play with aggressive stuff, nothing for pearl reactives.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe