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Author Topic: Awesome Hook = Just OK , so far  (Read 979 times)

Gene J Kanak

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Awesome Hook = Just OK , so far
« on: November 03, 2006, 08:16:37 AM »
Hey everyone,

Had my AH punched up this afternoon. The ball features a 3-4" pin and just over 3 oz. of top. We laid it like my Total Shock & Awe, pin even and just right of ring, cg mostly stacked, mb right of thumb. Left in box finish.

Tested the ball next to my Total, which was freshly scuffed with a burgundy pad, and my Action, which is drilled label and is slightly polished. I chose to test against these two because I figured they represented one step in each direction, in terms of strength. Here's what I found:

Length: Even in dull box finish, this ball clears the heads with the greatest of ease.

Midlane: This is where I was surprised. The ball did not read the mid as much as I was expecting. I know the ball is supposed to go longer than the Total, still, it coasted further than I was expecting.

Backend: The ball does make a hard corner, but it's much later than I would've thought, given the description.

Hit & carry: Typical Mo. The ball stands up beautifully in the pocket, driving straight through the deck.

Overall: So far, the AH looks OK, but not awesome. For a ball marketed as a hard turner on oil, it really didn't seem to react very well when I kept it inside. My Total grabbed earlier, as you would expect, and it flipped over harder. The AH, on the other hand, needed to be slowed down with more hand or pushed further toward the dry in order to make the corner. This is not to say that the ball doesn't hook. It will hook, and hook hard. However, it needs to be fed into the dryer portion of the lane or slowed down in order to do so. When I kept the ball in the oil, it simply did not have the teeth to dig in and make the turn.

I'm not saying that this ball is in any way poor. I can certainly make it work. However, at this point, it just doesn't appear to be as strong as I was expecting. So, I guess here is the question. Is this what I should've expected? Did I simply misread what this ball was supposed to do? What lines have you all played and what volume of oil have you played them on when you've seen good results with this ball? Any help you all can give will be appreciated.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345



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Re: Awesome Hook = Just OK , so far
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2006, 07:35:45 PM »
good to see this comparison.  been waiting for someone who has both.  currently trying to decide between the two.  i have been looking for a while for something to use on the long and flatter conditions.  perhaps the tsa is the ticket.  is your tsa drilled for early roll?


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Re: Awesome Hook = Just OK , so far
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 07:26:45 PM »
How much flare are you getting?  Is it flaring too much with that pin placement?  My pin is 5-1/2" from my PAP and mine works very well.  I have thrown it on Regional #5 and I wore a dry area into the pattern within a game with only 4 people on my pair!  Check your flare and don't be afraid to add a flare-increasing/reducing hole to get the reaction you want.
Where is the bait?  I'm goin' to jail!!! - Chocolate GAYzer

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Awesome Hook = Just OK , so far
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2006, 07:36:54 PM »
Kmanestor----Sent message
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345