For Sale/For Trade/Want to Buy => Motiv => Topic started by: Seanmullins on August 23, 2013, 11:38:05 AM
I work in a proshop and when a new ball is released our distributer usually gives us one ball to drill up ourselves, to help promote their product, in which case 90% of the time we end up just selling them as is or plugging them first so we can get more money and save our buyers money as well from having pay for a plug resurface and drill, ya know?
Heres what we got that are all single drills and havent yet been plugged. All 15
TR2 great -60
Thrash Mint -50
Recon Orange mint -80 (considered a collectors item, plus i want to keep it lol)
Qz2 Great -40
Primal Impulse -100
Primal TV4 -100
Prices do not include Shipping costs which usually run from $18-25 unless your on the pacific coast in which case its gonn probably be aroun $35-40 id guess
If anyone is interested in anything, please text me (860) 680-8577. My name is Sean. Feel free to text anytime and that way i can send U pics as well.
also just got in a sd 15lb Backdraft with 20 games - $40
and.......... are you guys ready for this one lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?
A sd Absolutely MINT 15lbs. TZ3 with 3 games max...... thats right folks. The Holy Grail of all Motiv Balls Ever.... a TZ3 - first come first serve - $130
Interested in a Motiv Primal Rage with low games. if you come across one please pm me . thanks
Sure thing bud.... what weight?
PM sent
pm sent
Sean, I'd like more info on some pieces.
and TV4
Pictures of the used two would be cool. Send them to 6166900590
Still got the tz3?
Sorry guys, all has been sold months ago.... I just forgot i had this thread still up. Sorry
mods this thread can be closed now. Thanks