For Sale/For Trade/Want to Buy => Motiv => Topic started by: badbeard on September 25, 2013, 09:18:43 AM
I have a few nib 15 # balls for sale I also have sd motiv 15# for sale let me know what your looking for all last years releases
Primal Impaluse 132
Tank 112
Prices shipped est could be lower shipping to a commercial address is cheeper
How much are each of these?
see edited listing if you want a 2 pack miss and match may be able to make better deal
I have a few nib 15 # balls for sale
Raptor P7 140 sold
2 Cruel 150 sold
Primal Rage sold
Primal screamm 132
Primal Impaluse 132
Tank 112
Sigma Hybird sold
Venom strike 123
Prices shipped est could be lower shipping to a commercial address is cheeper
What is your location?
Alba tx 90 miles east of dallas
Do you still have the primal scream? If so shipped price to zipcode 33409-6249?
132 shipped to you pay pal