Just wondering if there are any out there still available. Local guy would really like to get his hands on a NIB or single drill 15# TZ3.
Thanks guys...
Hi Mac
still available in 14 and 15lb.
I just calculated a 14# TZ3 w/shipping to Colorado - $270.51
Now, if I just had a spare $300 laying around....
Edited by jt_shanks on 1/24/2011 at 1:33 PM
Just took the plunge and bought one from http://www.thebowlingsource.com/ - at times my SR2 is too much for the house I bowl at and my RX1 is too weak, so this should fill in the gap. (granted it's drilled up right

http://www.thebowlingsource.com/ has only one 15# in stock, I think I bought their last 14#. Got it punched up last night with a 4x3 layout. Can't wait to throw it tonight in league!!
Instead of starting a new thread, I'm going to give this one a friendly bump.
If anybody knows of any where else, let me know.
Chris Orgeman 
Get MOTIVated and Bowl Up A Storm!
Edited by titletowncards on 3/18/2011 at 9:47 PM