Weight Block: Flux
Cover Stock: Frixion+ Pearl Microcell Polymer
Finish: 2000 Grit LSS
Length: 12
Backend: 13
Hook: 46
Flare Potential: 2+
1. A weapon that utilizes the pearl version of the Frixon+ Microcell Polymer cover stock used on the Tank Blitz, the Desert Tank.
2. A weapon designed to provide an even smoother motion than the Covert Tank.
3. A weapon that possess the low differential Fluxâ„¢ core design has been deployed to tame track flare.
Ball Reaction:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QPJ-q0bZJBA https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UuCumYrFTEA Strengths
Desert Tank is built combat high friction and shorter patterns, its low flaring ability is what keeps it from making a sharp turn down lane.
The low-flaring Flux core design and Frixion+ Pearl Microcell Polymer coverstock are best suited for drier lane conditions, should you desire more length than the Covert Tank and less hook overall than Tank Blitz I encourage you take a look at Desert Tank.
The benefit of Desert Tank having less backend reaction than Tank Blitz is that you can play straighter angles ultimately minimizing the amount of boards being covered down lane.
The 2000 Grit LSS box finish paired with Frixion+ Pearl Microcell Polymer coverstock provides the most length between Covert and Blitz, with respect to its higher RG and very low differential core design
The change in core shape really controls the down lane motion of the Desert Tank compared to other balls in the Tank line. The rough box finish also keeps the pearl cover from retaining too much energy for the breakpoint.
Desert Tank is rather useful for a variety of styles when everything else is overreacting, however Desert Tank does not excel on heavier patterns as Frixion+ Pearl Microcell Polymer doesn’t have enough teeth.
Desert Tank was created to combat high friction and short patters, which is why the Flux core design and Frixion+ Pearl Microcell Polymer covertock makes this weapon highly valuable. As expected Desert Tank did as advertised as I was able to play straighter angles and more direct sitting on top of the pocket, the overall reaction was indeed different from the Tank Blitz as Desert is not as aggressive as Blitz which I considered to be plus.
The low flaring Flux core will keep Desert from over hooking however when I misfired at the bottom of my swing it doesn’t sit up enough down lane to recover, Covert and Blitz provide more reaction overall compared to Desert Tank.
As advertised Desert Tank is useful on worn patterns and when over/under conditions start to appear, I was able to sit in the friction preferred to playing into it as I have done with Covert Tank and Thrill. The reaction was smooth and predictable for me as Desert Tank didn’t hook too much coming off the friction.
I like this addition to the Microcell Polymer Family. When I thought Microcell Polymer couldn’t get bigger Blitz was created, when I thought it could get smaller than Covert the Desert Tank was created. I consider it rather pleasing to avoid a lane play audible and to stay where I want to, where other bowlers will move left I didn’t.
I encourage anyone that enjoys avoiding jumping inside or circling the lane when friction becomes unreasonable to take a look at Desert Tank.
What better way to cross a Desert than by Tank
Your game will thank you for it.
K.C. White II
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