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Author Topic: QZ1 Red  (Read 15035 times)


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QZ1 Red
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- CORE: Quadfire
- COVERSTOCK: MOTIVator-Z Reactive Urethane with Reverb Outer Core
- FINISH: 2000 wet sanded and then polished with Power Gel
- RG RATING: 16#-2.54, 15#-2.55, 14#-2.56, 13#-2.58, 12#-2.59, 11#-2.70 , 10#-2.76
- RG DIFFERENTIAL: 16#-.040, 15#-.043, 14#-.043, 13#-.047, 12#-.050, 11#-.18, 10#-.13
- FLARE POTENTIAL: 4"+ (Medium)
- LENGTH: 26 (Medium)
- DESCRIPTION: The MOTIV QZ1 will scorch the competition on medium oil with the new Quadfireâ„¢ inner core and new MOTIVator-Z reactive urethane cover.
Quadfire Inner Core
The new Quadfire inner core produces an RG that stores energy for the backend reaction and a differential for controlled track flare. The 15# ball has an RG rating of 2.55 and differential of .043.
MOTIVator-Z Reactive Urethane
The shell on the QZ1 Quadfire is our new MOTIVator-Z reactive urethane. The Red Pearl QZ1 is 2000 wet sanded and then polished with Power Gel. This gives the Red Pearl ball a little more length on the lane than the Purple Pearl ball.
Reverb Outer Core
The Reverb outer core of the QZ1 is a low-density polyester resin with pin piercing hardness and strength. Rather than absorb impact energy, this outer core reverberates energy as it explodes through the pins.
NeoMark Reactive Urethane Graphics
The Red Pearl QZ1 coverstock is integrated with Silver Pearl NeoMark logo graphics. These graphics are also formulated from MOTIVator-Z reactive urethane so you have a consistent reaction 360° around the ball surface.


Motiv Girl

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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2009, 01:37:10 PM »


My Information:
Ball Speed: 15/16 mph, Rev Rate:250/265 rpm's,
Axis Rotation:45 Degrees,Axis Tilt:15 Degrees,

Specs on ball tested:
90/45/@ 3 3/8,X-Hole on PAP, 7/8"bit,2 1/4' deep,
Sanded to 2000 with Power Gel Polish

The all new MOTIVator-Z pearl cover and the all new
Quadfire core creates a ball motion yet unseen
from MOTIV.The core and cover combo gets the QZ1
down the lane without any trouble and when it
encounters the dry at the spot it turns left without
any hint of jump.What you do get is a controlled
smooth arc. The medium RG and medium Diff. helps
create this look.
The QZ1 on a fresh house let me move just right of
the oil line and,play the house pattern with ease.
Standing right and playing this angle allowed me
to stay with the QZ1 longer before moving deeper
and changing balls.

On the 2nd shift house or the broken down tournament
shot the QZ1 was the ball I have been looking for from
MOTIV. The QZ1's smooth arcing roll allows you to
send it wide and have it corner without fearing that it was going to jump through the nose.The pin carry was great
on this type of shot.

This is the money ball that MOTIV has needed.Anyone looking for control in a mid-price ball needs to think about
the QZ1 as their next purchase.

Thanks MOTIV:
Angela Wilt



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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2009, 02:00:11 PM »
Drilling: Index Finger Below PIN, Offset to the right. Drilled to go long and snap hard.
Cover: Out of the Box

Had this ball for just about two weeks, now. This is my third in Motiv's line (Have GT1, TR2, QZ1 "Red"). Previously have been avid Storm fan. The first day, at Gordon Lanes, start with the GT1 and was getting to strong of a reaction while playing 20 to 12 board (finished with 196). Changed to the QZ1 and played 18 to 8 and cranked out 257, 235, 203. Two days later, bowled at different house, Brunswick Lanes (Augusta, GA) and again started with GT1 "196". Changed to QZ1 and rolled 266, 266, 235. This ball has a steady skid and finished hard. During the first 266, I kept the ball around the 12-15 board area with more end-over-end roll. Then the 2nd 266, opened up, moved in and played 12 to 6 board, coming out of the ball smoother and with more side revs. The third game tried playing around 18 from the inside, then around the 3-5 boards, and the ball was still making it to the pocket but did not carry as well. Overall, this is a very versatile ball on Medium to Dry lane conditions.


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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2009, 10:03:52 AM »
right handed
ball speed 16-17 mph
high rev rate

This is an umbelievable ball.  I have it drilled for max length with great backend.  The pin is above the middle finger.  I have used this ball anywhere from the first game in league, to the last game in league.  It is very versatile on many different patterns.  When tournament patterns or league shots get very dry, you can easily move left and get in and the ball will hold line even though the shot has dried up.

I have not used this ball playing straight up the boards because that is not my game.  When there is enough oil to do that I will use the QZ1 for that or use the TX1.

To sum it up, this ball has great length, good backend, and definitely gets through the heads and midlane.  The best part about this ball for me is that you don't have that really hard jerk off the dry like other balls.

Thanks Motiv

Ken Kempf

Brett A Spangler

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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2010, 11:48:45 PM »
PAP: -6 1/8 horizontal x +3/16 vertical
Axis Rotation: 0-45 degrees
Axis Tilt: 3-16 degrees
Ball Speed: 13-17 mph

Layout: 2 x 5 with a 7/8 hole on the PAP.  The pin is 3/4 of an inch from my VAL.

Every ball that Motiv makes is better than the last.  No kidding, the Red QZ1 is THE ball on medium-light to medium-heavy patterns.

This is a compliment layout to the GT1 that is my benchmark.  The GT1 didn't quite produce the angle on some patterns that it seemed like it should.  QZ1 solved that problem.  

This ball provides the ball motion that I absolutely love on both a house shot and the Cheetah and Viper when I've been on them.  It is superbly clean through the front of the lane and then blends the transition BEAUTIFULLY.  

Overall hook, the QZ1 is an easy foot and a half on most patterns than the GT1 and produces more angle.  Left to right the QZ1 is very close to the GT1.  Because of surface adjustments, all I can do is explain what I see with what I throw.  My GT1 at 4000 grit is about three and two stronger than my QZ1.

On hard surfaces such as Brunswick ProAnvil and longer house shots I need to keep my speed down to produce adequate angle, but that should go without saying with a 2 inch pin.


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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 09:29:15 AM »
I punched this piece up last night, my specs are in my profile.  I placed the pin and cg on the center line. The pin is above my fingers, and the cg is about 3/8" above the center of grip.  This worked out to be about a 5 x 4.5 drilling, with no weight hole needed.  This is my first Motiv ball, and I did not quite know what to expect.  I only got the chance to throw a few games, but my initial impressions are positive.  This ball gets down the lane with ease, and has a strong, yet controllable arc.  Hitting power is above average.  I could easily bump up the ball speed and play down and in, or I could move in and play 30 - 5 without losing any hitting power.   The ball took hand position changes well, so I believe this ball will allow me to play a variety of lines.  I will update my review after I put some more games on the ball.


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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2010, 02:57:35 PM »
Right Handed
16 mph @ pin deck
325 Rev rate

Purchased the QZ1 Red a month ago. Feel I have enough games on it now to do a review. Drilled it 65x4x35 to be an option for later in tournaments. With this drilling it has a fairly quick response to friction. I can play pretty deep inside and still get this ball to recover and carry the 10 pin out. Had to play 27 out to 15 the first time out with it. It gets down the lane easily and makes a pretty aggressive move off the dry but not jumpy. I also found that I can use this ball when the lanes are a little tighter and my control balls are having trouble kicking the 10 out. This balls works best on med to lighter oil patterns. It is turning out to be a very versatile ball for the money. Looking forward to drilling the Purple one.


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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2010, 08:21:16 PM »
I am a left handed and my ball speed is between 15-17.

My layout is 4 3/4 x 3 3/8.

The surface is the same as out of the box.

This is a ball that I have been waiting for in my arsenal and know I got it. For a midprice ball this ball hits like a truck.  This ball is good on house shots and also good on shorter pba patterns like the cheetah and viper.  On wood lanes I can use fast speed but on synthetic lanes and on the same pattens I have to slow my ball speed

This ball is not good on long patterns, but this ball is not designed for these patterns and it is ok, because that is what I have other balls for.

I like this ball very much and motiv is such a great company and they surprise me everytime they come out with a new ball.  I recommend this ball for people who want a great midprice ball that still hooks and wants a great house ball.  You will not be disappointed with this ball.  GET MOTIVATED!!!!!!


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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2010, 09:54:01 PM »
How is it drilled:

I have had this ball for a couple of weeks now. I have used it on everything from fresh house shots to beat up tournament conditions. The verdict is that this is my least aggressive motiv ball as far as oil goes. This ball easily clears the heads on even medium to lighter conditions. On the fresh house shot the ball made a smooth, predictable strong arc to the pocket. I was able to play fairly straight around 10 on a wet/dry house shot coming up the back of the ball. Track was about 1/4" off thumb. Oil was probably about 40' and very heavy in the middle. Lanes were synthetic with ripping back ends. Where this ball shined was on a tournament condition that was really starting to break down. Surface was old wood. Standing on 40 and looking 25ish, I was able to project the ball down the lane without having to send it right too much. The ball cleared the fronts and then gave a really strong right turn into the pocket. This was with a lower track, about 1 1/2" off the thumb. This ball, like the GT1 I have, has proven to be useful on different conditions and responds very well to hand position changes. While the GT1 is better suited for the heavy stuff, the QZ1 is a little more at home on medium to drier conditions.


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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2010, 10:08:09 PM »
PAP: 5 1/2"
Rev Rate: 250-275 rpm
Ball Speed: 16-16.5 mph
Ball Layout Pic:

OOB Finish: I was in need for a ball for lighter, broken down conditions since I haven't had a good one since the SR300 and Scout Hi-Flare. Went with a layout that would give me a good amount of length with a big backend reaction. Was intially told that the layout would make the ball roll very smooth that was not the case. In both of my leagues (wood lanes) I found right away that the QZ1 Red is not made to use on fresh oil. In fact, the lanes really have to start drying out before using this ball, so wait until your stronger stuff starts to lose their energy toward the pocket. I started playing straight up the 10 board which I find alot of over/under reaction with that lane. Second, I decided to play the 15 board to about the 7-5 board at breakpoint and thought the reaction gets a little better, it's still abit inconsistent. I find it at time going beyond the breakpoint and finding trouble coming back if there's carrydown.

But once I moved to the 18 board and played it to around the 7 board at breakpoint, that's where this ball shows alot of sign of life. The reaction is definitely skid/flip and it will turn hard left on the right spot when I keep my hand more behind the ball. I found it to be more comfortable playing that line because not only there's still some head oil to get the ball down there, but playing the angular route will give the ball more consistency. It's the same when playing on synthetic lanes with abit more push on the length. The carry is good but it leaves alot of solid 10 pins on some very good pocket shots.

Rate this ball: 7.5 out of 10
If you need a skip/flip ball for the lighter oil the QZ1 is worth a try. I compared it with my Track 505C and it's alot longer and sharper backend than the 505C with the similar pin location. Despite the lack of leaving 10 pins and being very pattern specific, don't underestimate the long and strong reaction you'll get from this one.


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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2010, 08:57:38 AM »
#1 5 3/8 pin box finish (pin 1 1/2 in above middle finger)
#2 4 pin 4000 (pin above bridge)
#3 4 1/2 800 w/ power gel polish (pin below middle finger)

Ball number 1 gives me the strongest reaction off the dry boards out of the three balls, it also has the potential to get the most length because of the layout.  This ball is at its best when I have to jump left and get the ball going right.  
Ball number 2 is a good middle of the road ball, because it isn't very snappy but it isn't the weakest of the three either.  It gives me a nice strong, controled reaction that is better for when the shot is a little more wet/dry.
Ball number 3 is the weakest of the three balls and the most controlable.  It works best of drier conditions, when the other 2 balls are hooking too much on the back, this wonderful layout allows me to smooth out the backend move.

This, like the other Motiv balls, is a wonderful addition to anyones lineup.  Depending on the layout you can achieve a variety of reactions, and this ball fits above the TX1 and SX1 and below the SR2 and QZ1purple.
"Every Strike brings me closer to my next homerun"


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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2010, 04:29:08 PM »
Just wanted to let you know how pleased I was to find this great ball.  I drilled it up not knowing what to expect not throwing anything from Motiv before.
 It was drilled pin above both fingers, cg straight below the fingers.  After throwing it I was pleased with the way it read the mid lane and the way it went through the pins.  It is a bit on the sraighter side which is a plus with all of the monster hooking balls out there.  
I got to bowl a tournament with it the past weekend, 8 games, total pins, condition on this years USBC shot.  I used it all 8 games execpt for 4 shots on one lane.  The ball allowed me to play a touch straighter without giving up carry.  I won the tournament by 100 pins over second place.  I cannot say enough that without this ball I would not have won, it gave me a look that no one else was able to find.  
I must say nice job from the guys and gals at Motiv.
I look forward to drilling up some of the other Motiv equipment.
Keep them coming.

Matt Fortney

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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2010, 02:34:25 PM »
My MOTIV QZ1 Red is drilled pin above my ring finger, cg stacked, which for me, works out to be 4" by 4". I went with a the pin up drilling because I wanted the QZ1 go provide me with great length and a big backend.

I bowl on 41' THS, and on this condition, the QZ1 did EXACTLY what i was hoping it would. It provided me with great length, and a really nice hard arc/almost snap on the backend. Overall hook was more than I had expected. I was able to swing this ball out pretty much as far as I wanted, without worrying about whether or not it would come back. The QZ1 provided me with some great forgiveness, hit and carry.

I've yet to try this thing on any kind of sport/tournament shot, but based on my initial impressions, I won't have a problem on any condition that I choose to throw it on. This ball is definitely a great piece.



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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2011, 12:48:48 PM »

Length: About 40 Feet          


Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS



Likes:The smooth Motion of this ball

Dislikes:  None
This ball is drilles pin above middle finger and cg in middle of palm


This ball is a great ball It hits and carrys well and the ball is one of the most predictable balls I have thrown. This ball reacts well to changes in wrist position and revs. I love the balls motion. It is a ball that is long and is not a skid frip it is a strong candy cane shape that hits hard and keeps the pins low and carrys everything. In My opinion this ball is a perfect medium to med light oil ball that hits hard and carrys great. It is a nice breath of fresh air that The newer ball manufacturer is made right here in the great state of michigan and am looking forwards to trying more of there equipment. My specs are in my profile hope this review was helpful.









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Re: QZ1 Red
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2011, 10:36:20 AM »

Length: 39'


Volume: Ave

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Sport



Likes:  This ball is incredibly deceiving.  It rolls down the lanes and because of the color looks like it doesn't give you any midlane and simply rolls thru the pins.  I have yet to leave a weak 10.  It kicks the corners out like most products from Motiv. 

Dislikes:  Doesn't allow for use on heavier volumes.