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- CORE: Recon
- FINISH: 4000 Wet Sand/Power Gel Polish
- RG RATING: 16#-2.59, 15#-2.59, 14#-2.61, 13#-2.62, 12#-2.62, 11#-2.69 , 10#-2.75
- RG DIFFERENTIAL: 16#-.018, 15#-.025, 14#-.025, 13#-.030, 12#-.038, 11#-.22, 10#-.10
- COVER STRENGTH: 25 (scale 1-100)
- CORE STRENGTH: 47 (scale 1-100)
- BOX FINISH STRENGTH: 10 (scale 1-100)
- Recommended Lane Condition: Light Oil or Short Oil Patterns
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
- DESCRIPTION: Plan a controlled strike against the competition with the MOTIV Recon RX1. It features the new Recon inner core and is armored with MOTIVator-X coverstock for a controlled reaction on light oil, or shorter oil patterns.
The Recon core drives the RX1 into the heat of battle. It provides a higher RG to control revs and a moderate differential to smooth out reaction down the lane. The 15# RX1 has an RG of 2.59 and a .025 diff.
The MOTIVator-X cover on the Reconâ„¢ RX1 compliments the core perfectly for attacking light oil conditions. It has a urethane-like reaction to tame friction on the lanes, yet still provides excellent recovery and hitting power.
The factory finish on the Bright Orange RX1 is 4000 wet sand with Power Gel Polish. This finish will provide easy length on light oil.