I am a relatively new Motiv staff member, but with each new bowling ball released, I become a bigger and bigger fan of the philosophy behind Motiv's ball design.
Now for the good stuff....
As with all Motiv balls, the QZ2 is very eye-catching out of the box. The navy blue/black cover pared with silver graphics make it an attractive addition to any pro shop's wall and any bowler's bag.
Not only does the QZ2 look good, it rolls fantastic!
I'm a medium-high rev rate player with the ball speed to match. I laid out my first QZ2 like one of my Red QZ1s just so I could compare apples to apples. I did a 4 1/4" pin to PAP low (under the fingers) with a balance hole on the VAL 2" below my axis, or for those who like the dual angle method: a 35, 4 1/4", 55. Seeing as how the core/cover combination was the same, I didn't expect very much difference between the QZ1 and QZ2. I was pleased to see that I was wrong. The factory cover preparation made the QZ2 significantly cleaner through the front part of the lane. I also saw it being smoother downlane as well. I tend to think this has to do with the pigment of the ball. Darker balls seem to be a be a touch smoother than other balls of equal performance with lighter or brighter covers. That being said, the QZ2 is a great ball for when the heads burn up and the track fries. Because the Quadfire core is so versatile, and the Black/Blue MOTIVator-Z coverstock is darker, I believe this ball has even more options for "surface tweaking" to manipulate reaction than the QZ1s do.
Overall I'm very impressed with the QZ2, and can't wait to see what MOTIV has coming next!
Brian Hatcher
MOTIV PBA Regional Staff