Raptor P7
This was one of my initial MOTIV pieces drilled as a MOTIV Staffer. This ball is by far the strongest ball I have thrown from the foul line to the pins. It DOESN’T hook early and DOESN’T have a smooth arc like most pieces designed for heavy oil. This piece picks up VERY strong midlane and has a VERY continuous motion on the backend. This ball is versatile for all types of styles and can open up the lane even heavier flatter patterns.
My first session with the Raptor was on a typical house shot with a synthetic surface and this ball struck for days. Even though I was on a typical house pattern, it somehow, made it look even easier. It also allowed me to play a house pattern even further in than I normally would and still blended the pattern. This ball can cover as many boards (or more) as a skid/flip ball, except the ball is much more controllable.
You can see my video here:
Being one of my initial MOTIV pieces, I also noticed the cover factor. With a higher ball speed and moderate rev rate, I tend to throw pieces with surface. Before drilling exclusively MOTIV, a ball that started with a 1000 grit surface, looked more like it had a 4000 grit surface after a game or two. After throwing the Raptor 6 plus games on a fresh condition I noticed the ball did NOT get shinier, it was very consistent with the out of box surface.
If you are looking for a ball to transition to after the Raptor, look for my review on the Sigma Tour!
If you haven’t drilled a MOTIV piece, make this your first. You will not be disappointed!
Mike Magolan
MOTIV Staff Member
Edited on 8/23/2011 at 5:59 AM
Edited on 8/29/2011 at 7:07 AM