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Author Topic: 1st impression with Cruel C51 LE  (Read 2464 times)


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1st impression with Cruel C51 LE
« on: April 21, 2011, 03:17:54 PM »
"Holy Crap!!" This ball is a monster.


Ball is drilled pin high and right of ring, approx 4 1/2 to pap and MB right of thumb, 65 deg. approx.

This is one of my favorite drillings, long and very strong. With this ball already with a strong core and cover, i wanted to have a ball i can move way left and send far right and have enough to get back to pocket. Trouble is that i tried it tonite on my 2nd shift league. But new ballitis made me keep throwing it way past its bag time. First game ball was getting down lane well and providing a very,very strong roll into pocket and carried really well. The only problems i had with it was letting up a little on my speed went through the nose, badly. Shot 220 with 2 splits. Next game i should have put it up but didnt so i moved 10 left and 5 with my eyes to get more into oil and was working good until people started following me and playing on top of me. 220 that game with 2 splits also. Put it up and brought my Radical Slant out and moved 15 right on approach and piped up track and went clean 216 to finish 656 for the night. Not bad only 19pins under avg so im not complaining. I really cant wait to get to throw it on some fresh lane conditions and our state tourney is coming up in 2 weeks so im sure it will see alot of playing time.

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