So I brought the completely wrong equipment. The balls did what I thought as far as length, but I should have brought the covert and taken the surface to whatever allowed it to read the lane the best. Whoever said controlling the backend is the key, was right. All the balls I had were just too much backend to start. The backends were flying to start, but you still didn't have miss room to the right if swinging it, but playing straight up the outside the ball wouldn't hold either. The pattern was tough. Don't miss left and don't miss right. Move left too quickly and you just never get your ball to the break point and you are beak or left every shot. But throw it hard enough to get it out and it more than likely wouldn't come back. I think I was throwing it too soft to start so it made me move left and that was bad. I started throwing it harder and was able to move back right and hit the pocket pretty good. Was pretty flush 7 in a row one game but then carry was another question. Left 3 nine pins and a good amount of 10 pins. Had a solid 8 in there too. I might have done better with the 3 other balls I was going to take. Covert, sigma sting, rebel tank. Who knows.