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Author Topic: Ascent Pearl  (Read 3553 times)


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Ascent Pearl
« on: June 02, 2012, 11:06:06 AM »
PAP: 5 1/4 across
Core - Recon
Cover - Motivator-Z Reactive
OOB Surface - 2000 w/ Polish
Rg- 2.59
Diff - .25
If you've ever thrown an entry level ball you know that only get the performance you pay for correct? Well not anymore. The newest addition to motiv's line of products brings you the most bang for your buck from any entry level addition I have ever seen. With the Motivator-Z Coverstock found on the Qz line of balls and the Recon core found in the Recon itself this ball gives you everything you can ask for in hitting power and control on more demanding friction patterns and broken down house shots.

The high Rg rating and added pearl design of the Ascent gets the ball easily and cleanly through the heads. The low Differential rating controls the breakpoint and lets you make smaller moves left to maintain and maximize your scoring angles.

I drilled my Ascent at 55 x 5 1/4 x 40 which puts the pin slightly right and above my bridge and let me tell you what this ball hits hundreds of dollars more expensive than it is. I have NEVER thrown let alone seen an entry level ball that rolls as clean and powerful as the ascent pearl. It glides through the heads with ease and makes a controlled angular motion off the breakpoint.

When you buy a bowling ball you want something that's going to roll true and carry every single time (not to mention if your a superman fan you'll love the colors), this is the ball for you and your friends so head on out to your local pro shop order an Ascent and get MOTIVated!

Aaron Gall - Motiv Staff