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Author Topic: first Motiv ball...Qz1  (Read 2224 times)


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first Motiv ball...Qz1
« on: December 27, 2010, 08:45:44 AM »
I asked for Xmas a motive ball. Told the wife I didn't care which one and suprise me as really figured any of them I could use in my 3 ball bag. The most appealing to me was the strongest ones they had such as the TR2 or Cruel but got a Qz1. Figured after reading about it and seeing videos looks fairly strong for at least medium shots.

I got the purple one but aren't all the Qz lines the same besides the surface. 1000 grit is my favorite and pretty much use that on most of my equipment. I never saw much of a difference between that and 2000 but when it's 4000 it does show.

Now for the drill pattern. My last couple balls I'm using is 4" to the pin stacked. I'm a former power player now stroker and like to play outside anywhere from 2nd arrow to 1st when possible playing out to 8-5 when possible and come up the ball with medium revs and around 15 mph. I'd like this to be my "medium" ball. Should I go with 4" to the pin or go stronger or weaker then that? Since most of my stuff is stacked would trying a different placement with the CG and was going to try something different such as placing the CG more towards the track. Used to do this back in the day but that was with 3 3/8 drills...don't know if this would be a good layout with a 3 3/8 or 4".


Rc Charger

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Re: first Motiv ball...Qz1
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2010, 06:26:57 AM »
You are correct about about the QZ line, same cover just different surface prep and colors.
On your drilling, more info would be greatly appreciated like, axis rotation,speed,and tilt.  

  Remember pin to pap distance controls flare and cg determines weight hole placements on symmetrical cores.  If it was me I would do something different then stacked, not say it wont work but I would try to have a different ball motions compared to your other balls in the bag.  Your pro shop operator can help you with this, seeing that we dont know what surface you bowl on, oil pattern, etc.  Hope this helps
Rob Cabello
Motiv Staff