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Author Topic: Drilling question on Tribal  (Read 1520 times)


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Drilling question on Tribal
« on: April 16, 2014, 07:57:50 PM »
I bought a Primal Rage halfway through the season and had a lot of success with it and would like to get a Tribal to compliment it on less oiled lanes. The Rage has a drilling with the pin just outside and even with the ring finger, the cg is two inches away, directly below it. My question is, would I be wise to drill the Tribal the same way and let the core difference separate the reaction of the two? Any thoughts Motiv lovers?


Matt Fortney

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Re: Drilling question on Tribal
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2014, 09:38:12 PM »
Drilling them both the same you would see a decent amount of separation. Drilling the Tribal a little weaker (pin further away from your axis point) will give you more separation.

It all kind of depends on the shot that your normally see, and what you plan on using the Tribal on. For instance, why do you feel like you can't throw the rage any more? Is it that it's not finishing as well? Or it starts moving too early? These are just two of the many questions that will help determine the best layout to out on the tribal. Your best bet, in all honestly is to go to your pro shop operator and have him watch you bowl, explain when and why you want the tribal, and he would be the best help. After all, he will probably be very familiar with the house you bowl in, how it breaks down, etc.

If you don't have a reliable pro shop operator you feel comfortable taking advice from I would be more than happy to help. It would take a little more info (shot specifics, axis point, rev rate all that good stuff) and preferrably a video of your style. Is be happy to help out more but I'd be wasting your time if you've got a good operator to go to.

Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes with the Tribal!!



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Re: Drilling question on Tribal
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2014, 06:11:02 AM »
Yeah the ball reaction is different enough between the two, that if you like the reaction you get out of that certain layout, you would probably be ok using it.  The Tribal is really long, clean, and sharp on the back, while the Primal Rage is a bit earlier with more of a hard arc than a snap. 
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?