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Author Topic: Dry Lanes Help  (Read 3923 times)


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Dry Lanes Help
« on: November 23, 2014, 12:54:13 AM »
I'm in a pickle.  In a house that I finished last season averaging 232 in, I can't do anything this year.  The owner is a non-bowler.  They guy he hired as manager is a non-bowler.  They are clearly after that ever elusive dollar, and putting down less oil.  I've noticed that guys with no hand or higher ball speeds that play straight are still scoring but guys who bend the ball are getting killed.  I've been wanting to try motiv and made the jump last week.  I got an ascent pearl, a venom shock, and an octane.  I did not get the chance to throw any practice games before league and went in cold.  I loved the way the ascent went through the pocket when I got it into a roll.  It did seem when i didn't get it into a roll it hit horribly.  I moved in about 6 boards and tried the shock just for kicks on a fill ball.  It literally rolled out at 40 feet.  Not near enough oil.  The following night, same instance.  When I got it out to the dry, it was money.  A little carry down resulted in 2 pocket 7-10 splits and 2 light 3 pins. (lefty)  I don't want to change the surface because there are two houses in our area I am dying to try this ball on now that I know what it's going to do.  So, short story long, I moved right on the approach 25 boards and threw the Octane with no idea what it was going to do and realized that's what I should have tried in the beginning. (how does this ball roll through the pin deck like there are no pins there at all?)  So I need help on filling the hole between the ascent pearl and the other two.  How do the ascent pearl, solid, and apex fit together? Or is there something else I should be considering?



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Re: Dry Lanes Help
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2014, 08:31:26 AM »
I'm in a pickle.  In a house that I finished last season averaging 232 in, I can't do anything this year.  The owner is a non-bowler.  They guy he hired as manager is a non-bowler.  They are clearly after that ever elusive dollar, and putting down less oil.  I've noticed that guys with no hand or higher ball speeds that play straight are still scoring but guys who bend the ball are getting killed.  I've been wanting to try motiv and made the jump last week.  I got an ascent pearl, a venom shock, and an octane.  I did not get the chance to throw any practice games before league and went in cold.  I loved the way the ascent went through the pocket when I got it into a roll.  It did seem when i didn't get it into a roll it hit horribly.  I moved in about 6 boards and tried the shock just for kicks on a fill ball.  It literally rolled out at 40 feet.  Not near enough oil.  The following night, same instance.  When I got it out to the dry, it was money.  A little carry down resulted in 2 pocket 7-10 splits and 2 light 3 pins. (lefty)  I don't want to change the surface because there are two houses in our area I am dying to try this ball on now that I know what it's going to do.  So, short story long, I moved right on the approach 25 boards and threw the Octane with no idea what it was going to do and realized that's what I should have tried in the beginning. (how does this ball roll through the pin deck like there are no pins there at all?)  So I need help on filling the hole between the ascent pearl and the other two.  How do the ascent pearl, solid, and apex fit together? Or is there something else I should be considering?

I just got an Ascent Apex and drilled it a little weak.  I havent had a chance to use it much, but threw it on a totally fried shot yesterday and it seemed to do what i was hoping it would do on those conditions.

I threw it on fresh a few shots and it was a mild arc to the pocket, but on a toasty and know to be dry lane 1, it did well.  Drilled pin over ring with cg out right and a weight hole near the pap


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Re: Dry Lanes Help
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2014, 08:34:21 AM »
The Ascent line has two iterations.  You have the original Ascent Solid and Ascent Pearl that were introduced a while back.  Earlier this year (I think), they introduced the newer colors of the Ascent Pearl but discontinued the Ascent Solid.  These balls all have the Recon core with the MOTIVator-Z cover (either solid or pearl).  The Ascent Apex is a newer ball with the Recon core and the new Fusion XL coverstock.

Motiv had been known for very forward rolling equipment with good cores, but their coverstocks were a little behind when compared to the rest of the industry (not bad balls, just a little behind).  All that changed with the introduction of the Primal Rage and the Fusion coverstock.  That ball gave Motiv its first cover that was on par with the best in the industry.

And now, Motiv has taken this great coverstock and adjusted it slightly to produce the Ascent Apex with Fusion XL.  A great ball that fits in the medium-light category.  The original Ascent solid and pearl are significantly weaker than the Apex.  But what was designed for medium-light two years ago, is now a great dry lanes ball.

For true dry lanes, don't ignore the original Ascents.  The Ascent Apex has been surprising people on its strength.


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Re: Dry Lanes Help
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2014, 01:06:31 PM »
I have the Apex, I found it to be very touchy at box finish, I took to 4000 and it smoother out and looks a bit more rolly, but still handles the drier stuff well. No over reaction, great carry...Not what I was expecting look wise, but very very effective
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