So I have been away from the game for the most part for the better part of the last 7 years. I haven't bowled a full season since 2007. Injuries, work, moving, etc.
I had been throwing an old MoRich LevRG to give you an idea of how dated my arsenal is. If you read my profile (out of date) you will get an idea of where I was.
After much consternation and internal debate, I allowed myself to fall off the wagon and get a new ball. I had been clean and sober of my ball-whore ways since the last ball I bought- the original Break Pearl.
I decided to purchase a Jackal. I have been bowling in a league where the house shot is very tight- you have to get outside 7 but there is also an out-of-bounds to the right.
All of my old equipment was no match for this condition. I have been forced farther right (I am RH) that I have ever been as long as I have been bowling. It was apparent that my equipment was obsolete, as I would throw my old stuff well in terms of shot execution only to watch it fail to make the move I have been used to in years past.
I threw the Jackal for the first time last night. It is easily stronger in terms of where I line up with my feet by 5-6 boards than anything I currently own. This allowed me to open things up a little and not be forced into such a tight area.
This ball is a monster, to put it lightly. I try not to hype something too much, but it is an ideal match for my style (slightly speed dominant) and the condition I bowl on (longer and wider house shot).
I threw a 257 for the first game, ended with a 701. Nothing crazy, but the key was I was finally throwing with confidence in my ball reaction, which is something that has been missing for years.
I really liked that I was able to get the best feel for what to expect from this ball by researching the Motiv website. Having not researched equipment in so long and realizing how out of touch I was, Motiv gave me sufficient education to make me comfortable enough to order from my new proshop and tell them what I wanted layout wise. I checked out several other sites and could not get a good enough feel for what I would be getting myself into.
I have a feeling there will be more Motiv in my arsenal in the near future.