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Author Topic: first league night w/ Motiv  (Read 1766 times)


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first league night w/ Motiv
« on: April 15, 2011, 12:49:29 AM »
Hello everyone,


 I went to league last night with a lot of anticiaption and high hopes. It was my first night using my new equipment.


 I had a great night shooting games of 244, 267, and 268 for a 779 series. I used my QZ2 which is drilled 50 x 4.5  x 70 with no extra hole. The team also did great as we took 33 out of 38 point last night!


 I moved about two arrows over the course of the three games, but the QZ2 just kept giving me a smooth predictable read and never did anything bizarre.


The thing I love about our products the most right now is that they're so smooth and controllable. You can do a lot to manipulate/tune the equipment. And I don't care what anybody says these balls hit tremendously hard. I have thrown so many messengers already it makes me feel so strong LOL :)


If anyone has any questions about the products or needs help please don't hesitiate to contact me. I will be more than happy to assist in any way I can.


Go visit your pro shop operator and see how you can become MOTIVated!




Darren Andretta
Motiv/Vise Inserts Regional Staff
Get MOTIVated!
Darren Andretta
Vise Staff