I bowled another series with the Forza last night and this time I was able to use it all three games. Very similar reaction as before, very smooth and controllable and played 12 to 7 at the breakpoint. My biggest surprised last night was that when I missed right a few time, the room for error was just amazing. There were times when I got the ball out to the 5 board and it still came back and drove through the pocket. Last game, still bowled good with it but the 10 pin was being stubborn, similar to the other night. Had to pick up my ball speed slightly higher but ended up with a 696 series.
At first, I thought the ball would be too smooth for me at OOB finish but so far I'm extremely impressed with the Forza. After I do my last night of league on Thursday I'll have my full review posted (first review I've done in years).