I had a chance to use the Rogue Assassin last night for the first time. Sweeper night for a four game, three member team league. We bowl two games against one team, then change pairs and bowl two more games against a different team. Sweeper night, we still change pairs.
I have had decent success in this league with the Villain and Villain Scorn and of course, the Venom Cobra.
I didn't intend to use the Assassin, but took it to toss a few times in shadow to see what it looked like. I liked what I saw so stayed with it the entire night.
253-268-235-269 for a 1024 set, which gave me 1st place in sweepers. It's a walled up house shot of course.
As for the ball reaction, the first time down the lane I recognized a familiar motion; Sigma Sting, which was a ball I loved. A big sweeping arch from start to finish if you give it some side roll and a hard charging, controllable motion if you stay behind the ball and give it a lot of forward roll and play a more direct line.
I haven't been a big fan of the ball with the Sigma core since the Sting. I like the Rogue(first one), but it wasn't the Sting. The Forza SS was useless to me. The Assassin has a VERY rough surface(at lease mine did) so I thought it would need a ton of oil, but it worked great for me on a regular medium house shot. In short, Ghost cover + Sigma Core looks like a real winner.
About me: Not a staffer, but I do pick up most Motiv balls at release. I do use other companies equipment, so not truly a fan boy either.