Looks like polished hybrid. Would make sense. That would be a nice benchmark if so. Quicker than the Forza but not as erratic as the redline.
Yeah, now that I look closer at the darker blue it does look like a pearl coloring. So it should be a hybrid coverstock.
I completely agree with the notion that you can't/shouldn't judge a ball reaction based on the type of it's cover and most of it is marketing (at least the aesthetics). But like lilpossum1 said companies know how people tend to make stereotypes about bowling balls and they're most likely going to play up to them just to keep things simpler for the customer.
This should replace the Redline in the current lineup regardless though. Seeing what the Paranoia can do I can't imagine that would be shifted over to the middle ball like the Burn was. If it's polished the original Forza isn't going to be moved from the first spot either.