Nice write up milo.
I've got a pin up and pin down one drilled, haven't gotten a ton of games on either yet, but here's initial thoughts:
Pin down one is 3.75x60 with finish at 2000, it rolls nice on the house patterns locally (but what doesn't), not super flashy, blends the lane out a bit. Pin up one I drilled 60x4.75x25 (like I drill all my symmetrical stuff anymore) and it's really strong off friction, and so far been a bit too over under to really get me to use it much yet on the fresh, but twice i've hit game 3 in league though and had a good look as the lanes opened up and I moved inside with it. It's a bit wild off they dry, and a bit too weak in the puddle though so probably going to knock the factory surface down a bit on the pin up one as well and see if that helps.
I will say this though, they definitely are a step down from my Pride's, but stronger than my Shock and Ripcord Velocity, but i'm not exactly sure where they'll fit in my tournament bag. It's early, they have shown signs, and definitely give the strong pearl symmetric look I didn't have in my bag, but i'm not sure how big of a hole that really is. I'll get some games on different patterns in soon and report back more, and definitely will be tinkering with surface.
Little video from practice, though the local house pattern makes everything look awfully similar unfortunately: