I'm on a crusade against misleading or overly sensational marketing . . lol I still love new stuff, just not for the reasons everyone else thinks they do . . I'm a salesman, I love marketing, very interested in the psychology of it, but I am a barebones salesman. I only try to sell people what they need, this builds trust, trust = return customer. I'd rather make a $150 sale and have someone come back in a few months than make a $250 sale to get old stock off the wall and end up having someone hate it. Actually have a buddy that told me the other day, "Every time you tell me I need a certain ball and I buy it, it's perfect. Every time I pick a ball for myself, it's average. From now on I'm only buying balls you tell me to, when one comes out that I need, just let me know." My little protege, the 14 year old, his dad usually picks his equipment for him, never asks for opinions or advice, he always picks the ball and the layout, I just put the holes in it. When the Byte came out, I told him it would roll great for the kid. He said ok, bought it, and that's the ball the kid shot his first 300 with. The thing I'm best at is matching up bowler and ball reaction, and there's nothing I hate more than trying to talk someone out of a ball they really want because, "It's the new greatest bestest most hookingest ball ever! They said so!"
Now I'm confused, in another thread you're on a crusade against new balls, now, here, you start a thread touting a new ball.