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Author Topic: Motiv balls overall  (Read 2287 times)


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Motiv balls overall
« on: March 27, 2011, 12:17:20 AM »
So I am thinking of trying a Motiv ball, more specifically the SR2 (I like symmetrical, lowRG cores).  I have been primarily a Storm guy for 10 years but have thrown most everything else out there at one time or another.  I opened a shop last month and just want to try and put something new in the area.  I don't see many Motiv balls in Atlanta at all, so I figure why not give one a shot.


I guess my question is what sort of general motion can I expect compared to other companies?  Storm and Roto Grip are cleaner through the fronts than Brunswick, and Ebonite just hooks more than everyone in general (for 50 games and then they die).  What sort of longevity do the covers have, as that is important as I hate drilling disposable balls for my customers.  I didn't really care for Lanemasters, as they under read the oil horribly, and Morich was....well....let's just say I don't sell Morich.


So what is everyone else's impressions?

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Re: Motiv balls overall
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2011, 06:39:08 PM »
it differs from ball to ball with reaction. I have thrown a qz1(red) qz2, primal, silver recon, and a cruel. the cruel and recon never got much use and i sold them.


as for the qz1,qz2, primal


they are beastly. I have not seen a change in strength since the day i drilled them. qz2 is very clean through the heads with a great downlane motion. qz1 isa little earlier as the finish is a little stronger than the qz2. primal is a beast out of the box. with the out of box finish it reads the lane very well with a continuous motion through the pin deck, polish the primal and you still get a big move down the lane jus a few feet later than OOB. The hit of motiv stuff is like no other, literally. You wont be disappointed.

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Re: Motiv balls overall
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2011, 09:17:51 PM »
 The SR2 is the right place to start although I haven't thrown the GT1 I recently purchased used and many Motivnation folk will tell you it is the best of them all.

The SR2 is very mild in the front with smooth midlane and finish. You won't too often see Motiv equipment get all jumpy on the back. The downside to this is I often find myself switching away from their stuff when I have to get my feet way in.

That said Motiv quality is the best in the business I believe. We have a heat box for oil extraction that needs manual rotation of the ball every 5 minutes or so in order to keep the ball from cracking. I have had a few occasions where I get caught up with customers and cracked some stuff from overheating.

That said, on one week I forgot the SR2 in said heat box for over two hours. Heat bulbs beating down in one spot. When I took the ball out it was smoking. Two days later I left it in the car after bowling cause we got over a foot of snow. I am usually pretty kind to my equipment but in these instances the SR2 cover never blinked. No cracking, no discoloring, no loss in reaction.

Drill the SR2 and see what I mean. Reaction will be something like a Danger Zone or a milder Gamebreaker. Very controllable, true read especially from straighter angles.