Tj, the current lineup has plenty of hits (Night Hawk, Boost Pearl, Respect, Black Ops, and more), and I've been on this ride a long time, and can't say I'm matching up with the Utah poured balls. Not saying they're bad, just having an issue matching up. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I'm not liking what I'm seeing. I used to be able to look in my bag and ball up and down with the utmost confidence. Not so much anymore.
I still want a Black Ops and Booyah, but not too excited when balls get replaced that covered a certain motion, and the old one was only 6 months old. This isn't Global exclusive by any means (almost everyone does it, and that's another thread), but by the time I feel a ball is worthy of getting a backup NIB, its hard to find them because they've been closed out. By the time I can sell a ball to someone, its out of the line. I'm not a pro shop operator anymore, but it stings when someone comes up to me and says "Hey, that ball rolls awesome! Where can I get one?" And I'm like "eBay". It's frustrating. I live in the same small town as a Motiv staffer, and I'm always out reppin the stuff. I'm shooting the lights out with a Network, or Night Hawk SE, or King Cobra, but to say " oh, you like my King Cobra? You can get the new reaction shape in the new Chemical X" is disheartening. You know that most of the time, if they liked the ball motion of ball a, and you say ball b is close to it, they're not going to go get ball b.
As far as the Pearl/hybrid/solid example, I know Global has some that for years (Breaks, Bountys, Banks), but I'm tired of the constant need to keep pushing out new equipment just to push it out. Once again, most companies do it, but I haven't been throwing most companies since the beginning.
Knowing me, I'll stay, just because I believe in the product. Just a few misses that have really disappointed me.