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Author Topic: Need a layout suggestion for an SR2  (Read 1760 times)


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Need a layout suggestion for an SR2
« on: January 30, 2010, 11:37:21 AM »
I am looking at getting an SR2.
A little about me. About 18-19 mph. Medium revs. Lower track but not a spinner. Currently I have a Mutant Cell that is pin under. Love it. I also have a QZ1 red that is box finish that is pin to the right of ring finger. Ball picks up a roll early and is smooth. Great ball. I also have a storm fast that I don't throw much and a nomad that I don't like.

So I have been eyeing up an SR2. Not many in my area throw Motiv. I would like the ball to be between the mutant cell and qz1. Anyone try a pin under on drill on an sr2? I was thinking pin under middle finger which would be about 5" pin to pap. Any suggestions???




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Re: Need a layout suggestion for an SR2
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2010, 08:11:43 PM »
18-19 mph plus "only" medium revs must require a lot of surface or prety light oil. Kinf of speed dominant.

I'd be careful with the SR2 as it's almost a skid/flip solid, fairly allergic to carrydown. Glad you're doing so well with a QZ-1, a very evern rolling ball, even if a pearl. Maybe you're better off with a TX-1, as it's also more even rolling, with a decent backend on emdium oil.
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Re: Need a layout suggestion for an SR2
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2010, 08:52:02 PM »
Yea I don't know the brand of scoring equipment at my center but it generally reads that high. at other centers where they Brunswick scoters it reads lower. I do not know my rev rate but would say I'm speed dominant.
The qz1 rolls great for me. I usually see pretty decent oil during league. The only rme I would say I see light oil is practice days.
Maybe I will hold off on the sr2. Saw the mission being thrown today. That thing reads the midlane incredibly. Not sure just wanted to get some opinions since no one throws Motiv around here.

Thanks for the feedback.