The Blue Tank is the ball I use the most, of anything. Used most in league last year. Use most on sport shot. I will not go to a tournament without it.
Before Blue Tank came out I went through many balls looking for something that could truly be an in-between reactive and urethane on sport shot. I did not like Pitch Black, and hated Purple Hammer.
I have a 420 rev rate, but 2 degrees of axis tilt, so the more "urethane" balls hook at my feet and I have a really hard time projecting them down lane. I also didn't like Carbide Tank for this reason.
My point is, while I understand the search for some urethane replica. I hope they also continue to release balls that are more Blue Tank like.
If my Blue Tank is too much, then I have to go down an old urethane. Blue Hammer (have one of those), or Natural (got that). Something which can be used as a control piece on really dry lanes would be nice. I don't think there is anything available now which can replace an old urethane ball.
Honestly, when people now talk about a "urethane" reaction, what they really mean is Pitch Black or Purple Hammer.