I still keep an Octane Burn in my bag. For me, the Burn is much more even of a shape than I was expecting. Not super smooth, just very much a benchmark look. I drilled it 4x40 with a tiny hole down VAL (small enough that it really didn't make much of a difference in reaction).
Background - My home house puts out a variant of stone street, with the variation being more oil in the middles that turn the pattern into a pretty heavy overblock. I have fairly high ball speed and revs, leaning a little speed dominant.
At my home house, I typically don't like my Burn on the burn. Our outsides fry quickly, and it can skate on the oil in the middle if I have to bump left too far too quickly.
The ball stays in my bag because I really like it on the fresh. I can play a pretty straight angle even with my rev rate without it overreacting on me (had a 299 just last Tuesday doing that). That league is more of a fun league, and I have one of the higher rev rates in the league. In that league, I can stay left of everyone with the burn but still be fairly straight, allowing me to keep the burn in play all night.
My second shift trio league shows the negatives more. My teammates are a rev monster and a two hander, and the outsides are already burned from the earlier men's league. I get forced left quickly, and the Burn will struggle to stand up and make the turn, especially on small misses in (skates it's way into a bucket).
For what it's worth, I've used it as a transition ball in tournaments at other houses with better blended shots, sport shots at my home house, and at nationals last year. It was a great ball in all of those scenarios (including really bailing my out late in the nationals team event last year). It doesn't stay in my bag by lack of choice, I really do love the notion when I can use it. Unfortunately, those times tend to be outside my home house.
Hope this helps.
PS. Had a panic. Other than a 299 with it on the fresh, I hated it. Definitely more skid in the oil than I get from my Burn.