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Author Topic: Plea to MOTIV Staffers: Form your own opinions.  (Read 8695 times)

Coach Bonesaw

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Plea to MOTIV Staffers: Form your own opinions.
« on: July 06, 2012, 11:08:05 AM »
After reading through many ball reviews posted by MOTIV staffers, it's painfully obvious that the "opinions" are coming straight from Muskegon, MI. Each review, which can be found on numerous websites, all follow a distinct pattern, akin to a company's advertising of said ball. While a very small minority of MOTIV staff members form unique reviews, too many of them focus more on copypasting all over the Internet, rather than honestly informing potential customers.

I'm not the only one noticing this trend. Other companies are guilty, but nowhere near as incriminating as MOTIV. Please, put some more effort into your review.   
In the bag:

Roto Grip Magic Gem
Motiv Primal Shock
Hammer Ocean Vibe


T Brockette

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Re: Plea to MOTIV Staffers: Form your own opinions.
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2012, 09:48:38 PM »
I had never thrown a Motiv before today, got to the throw some at the USBC demo days in Dallas. Regardless of how the equipment performed, (I will be buying some very soon) The guys that were representing Motiv, were more friendly and spent more time with me and my buddies, than just about all the other manufacturers there combined. Big thumbs up on the customer service. I know this is not the right forum, but the people representing Brunswick, also treated us like they actually wanted us there.
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Re: Plea to MOTIV Staffers: Form your own opinions.
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2012, 10:52:36 AM »
I am going to apologize now for a slight hijack of this topic, but I will get back to it by the end, I promise.  ;)
Stan, I used to think the BTM reviews were very good, until the Ransom Demand came out. There reviews had this as one of the most hooking balls they reviewed that year. When I spoke to others who have thrown it, and to my Pro Shop, no one considered this ball to be a "heavy oil, hooking" ball. After that I watched the reviews more closely and have seen a few others that seem to overrate the hooking potential of some new balls. Maybe it's the styles of the testers, the lanes, or something else. I'm not sure, but I take the BTm reviews with a grain of salt now.
On the OP, I agree that staffers should honestly review each ball. Some may not work for them, and they need to tell us that, and why. If you have a 450+ Rev rate and a ball doesn't work, it may work for average bowlers with lower Rev rates and that needs to be said too. I agree that Riggs has a good model to follow, not every ball is a huge winner for him and he tells it like it is. I think that is all we can ask for in a staff review. While no one wants to "badmouth" their company or a new ball, I think it is fair to say that it didn't match up to your game as well as another ball in the lineup and give examples of what you did to make it more useable, as others may run into the same thing and can take some wisdom from such posts.
As far as videos, I understand what wleto says about showing the ball entering the pins and it's motion. But as a consumer what I want to see, aside from that, is good comparisons between balls. And there is where I don't want to see all strikes. I would like to see the comparison ball thrown on the same line, same speed as the reviewed ball. Show me that the old ball doesn't hook as much, or that it hooks too much (depending on what the reviewed ball is supposed to do). For example, if doing a video for the Raptor Attack, show the Raptor on the same line going brooklyn or hitting the head pin flush. Then not only show, but tell (whether in graphics or voice-over) what move(s) you had to make to get the Raptor into the pocket to strike (i.e moved feet 10 left, target 5 left, breakpoint 3 left, etc). And then do multiple comparisons, to some older (even if they may be discontinued) balls, as many consumers that may be looking at this product might have these older balls, and the comparisons would show them how the new product compares, in both shape and amount of hook and continuation through the pins. Again show the old ball(s) on the same line that the reviewed ball was striking on, and then the moves needed to make the old ball strike. These would help sell the new balls plus give consumers a way to know where the new ball fits in their bag.