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Author Topic: Primal Impulse vs Thrash Frenzy??  (Read 3496 times)


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Primal Impulse vs Thrash Frenzy??
« on: March 13, 2013, 02:06:48 PM »
MY style.
Revs around 350-400
Track high, about 1/2-3/4 inch away from fingers and thumb.
17-19 MPH
Can play up the boards or play deep.

For people who have had both of these balls, what where your thoughts comparing the two. They same as though they would be very similar in there motion. I typically bowl on an older set of synthetics with medium sometimes medium heavy lane conditions.

I am looking for a ball that gets good length without being to over under while still having a strong backend reaction. I tend to score well with balls like these at my house. Balls like AMF Sideways, Legends Black Pearl reactive pearl. and the kinetic pearl which I dont have anymore. Length is good for me with my high track and fairly forward roll release. I can lose energy fast when the heads start to disappear.

Whats your guys opinions on these two, I haven't thrown a Motiv yet, and these two have caught my eye for the type of ball reaction that I am looking for. Thanks



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Re: Primal Impulse vs Thrash Frenzy??
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 03:02:51 PM »
I have both the Impulse and the Frenzy. While the published specs on the two balls are similar, I find a distinctly different reaction.

The Impulse is more of a traditional skid/flip piece. It gets decent length and makes a controlled move at the break. Despite the high RG, it has a heavier roll than skid/flip pieces from most other manufacturers. It's not crazy or unpredictable, but about as skid/flip as any ball you'll find in the Motiv line.

On the other hand, the Frenzy is more aggressive and has more mid lane than I anticipated. I find it more suited to inside lines when the lanes break down a bit. In an attempt to get more length, I hit it hard on the spinner with Renew-It over the NIB finish. It helped a little, but the ball still revs up earlier than I'd prefer. At some point I'll probably refinish up to 4000 and add polish.

In fairness, the respective drill patterns might be a contributing factor. My Impulse has the pin above the middle finger, and my Frenzy is drilled stacked under the ring. If I could do the Frenzy over, I'd definitely drill the pin above the fingers to promote more length. I went with the stacked drill on the Frenzy because I've had so much success with the same drill on my solid Thrash. Still, I'm confident I'll find the right Frenzy cover prep to get closer to what I was looking for.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 03:07:36 PM by Steven »


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Re: Primal Impulse vs Thrash Frenzy??
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2013, 03:53:58 PM »
With that high of a track and a preference for go long pieces one has to lean towards the Impulse.

Higher RG.  I would tend to not put the pin too high however.  With a 2.60 rG I would be barely above or next to a corner of the ring.

Recently a bowler in my house won the district in the AMF national $700K tourney and is now heading to Vegas.  He was using his Primal impulse.  The shot was a steep Christmas tree.   Deep in the heads and shallow past 25 feet.  Where others with strong low RG cores (even with highly polished surfaces) could not push to the break point.  He made it llook easy!


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Re: Primal Impulse vs Thrash Frenzy??
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2013, 03:58:14 PM »
The balls do have a very similar motion, though not quite the same strength.  In my opinion, the Thrash Frenzy is the closest thing Motiv has come out with that would be considered "skid/flip".  The Primal Impulse had a little more midlane than I was expecting.  The Thrash Frenzy is also a stronger overall ball than the Primal Impulse. 

With the balls you have had success with in the past, and the fact the shot is more on the medium to medium-heavy, I would lean more towards the Thrash Frenzy if you are only looking at these two.  For your style and the shot, also look into the Primal Scream.  The Primal Scream is a stronger ball than either and will have a closer overall strength to the balls you mentioned.  It isn't a true skid/flip so it will less likely give you an over/under reaction.

Once again, these are my opinions on what I have seen.  Yes, the Primal Impulse has a higher RG core, yet still wasn't as skid/flip as the marketing and expectations.  They are both still great balls.


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Re: Primal Impulse vs Thrash Frenzy??
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2013, 04:05:16 PM »
Here's my take with layouts on balls with pics.  My stats. are in profile.  BTW....I'd compare your stats. to JustinWI's and his vids of both balls not sure you are close on tilt or axis rotation but he's high speed and near same revs.

My take is I was a bit disappointed with the Impulse and thought it would move more than it did.  Now the Thrash Frenzy is what I was looking more from the Impulse but it had more of a revs type of look in the midlane but doesn't over rereact and when it goes left it keeps going.  For me the TF is easy to read use it more inside when the heads are beat up a bit and carry down doesn't seem to effect it much.  I have left mine OOB.  The Whiplash pearl is a great cover.

For that matter everything with Whiplash covers this season 2012-2013 are good IMO.  2 Cruel Whiplash hybrid, Primal Scream Whiplash solid and Thrash Frenzy Whiplash pearl.

I'd guess the 1-2 punch of Sigma Tour solid on true medium fresh and Thrash Frenzy as you move inside have to be two of the best balls ever produced by Motiv.

Impluse 75*(PAP to pin to PSA) x5"x40 P2 x hole

Thrash Frenzy 85*(PAP to pin to PSA)x43/8"x40 no is above ring hard to see in pic

« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 04:08:32 PM by scotts33 »


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Re: Primal Impulse vs Thrash Frenzy??
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2013, 09:19:39 AM »
It looks as though neither would be a bad decision. The Primal is gonna go a little longer which would be grea tofr 2nd game third game for sure, and the Frenzy would be a good choice to possibly end the night or maybe even start with it.

Our lanes can start kinda slick, My Black pearl reactive is the only one out of the three I mentioned in my original post that has the power to roll very strong through it and it is drilled very weak for me. Its pin above bridge but still flares atleast 5 inches. But our lanes can drastically change from the first game to about the mid of 2nd game, thats where a strong finishing ball that still goes long is a real benefit.

I just like a predictable ball, but also be somewhat controllable, you really shouldnt use that term with two skid flip balls haha. out lanes are oiled over whats left of the womens league the night before. there is no stripping done. I dont know if I ever notice a great deal of carrydown but I would assume its there.\

Keep the comments coming. Probably gonna pick one of these up some. The sigma tour looks pretty nice as well I must say.

Oh and most of my equipment is drilled fairly weak, as strong as I generally go is pin above ring finger. Dont do anything pin under because I clip the holes at that point. I can do pin in ring and those have worked well for me throughout my bowling years.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 09:21:14 AM by LaneHammer20 »


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Re: Primal Impulse vs Thrash Frenzy??
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 10:36:40 AM »
Example on a THS 39' pattern last night stand left throw right.  Used Primal Scream hard to miss switched to Thrash Frenzy 8th frame 2nd game.  These two balls with Whiplash covers compliment each other so well.  You can pick up when you switch one to another.  687.

I'd guess the more heavy handed players might like the Primal Impluse where the mid rev player who plays more of a skid, hook, roll game might like the Thrash Frenzy better.  TF has such a nice even movement for me it's hard to miss with it.   I would not really classify it as skid flip because you can see it roll evenly midlane not skid straight....then when it hits friction hard arc to the pocket.   I think it would be more flippy on fresh but that's not what it was designed for. 

Again Whiplash cover balls 2 Cruel, Primal Scream and Thrash Frenzy are great balls to come out this bowling season.


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Re: Primal Impulse vs Thrash Frenzy??
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2013, 02:27:37 PM »

I just like a predictable ball, but also be somewhat controllable, you really shouldnt use that term with two skid flip balls haha.

With this thread in mind, I took my Frenzy to my second shift THS league last night. It's a fairly new ball and I didn't know what to expect on the pronounced wet/dry (with a little carry down) league shot. I was surprised to find a nice shot in warmup standing 30 and throwing over the 15. I went 227-300 the first two games. The heads went south a few frames into the third game and I had to chase oil to the left to the point where my entry angle resulted in repeated 10 pin leaves. I had to settle for a mediocre 205.

As I mentioned in my first post, at least for me, the TF is not a true skid/flip ball. I have several pieces from other manufacturers that go longer and break harder when thrown side by side. In general, I don't think Motiv has got the traditional skid/flip thing down yet. The company excels in producing even rolling and controllable equipment, which I'm more than fine with. It's that characteristic that convinced me to give them a try in the first place.

Having said all this, the TF is very good release that can be throw from multiple angles on mediums the medium heavy. It's a pearl that blends out wet/dry conditions where other pieces bounce uncontrollably off the dry. The TF (for me) wasn't what Motiv advertised it to be, but I'm still happy to have it.