Have to give credit where credit is due. That's a great video. I particularly like the comparison of all balls on the same line, actually letting them not strike. Multiple conditions, multiple layouts, multiple products, true comparisons that are informative... This is the type of stuff I've been waiting to see from a company. If others present it this way (and I can't think of any that do), then they need to follow your sequencing, which presents it in a logical fashion.
The comparitive sequence is actually a good drilling video in addition to a product demo...
Only potential thing that could be added is different bowlers and rev rates to show those of us who are rev challenged what the ball can do, but even so... This is very well done demonstration, one that a purchase decision can be made on, and one that was worth the wait..
Very cool indeed.
Signature? I dont need no stinking signature...
Edited by lefty50 on 6/27/2011 at 5:28 AM