I have just had my TAG drilled. Tried it yesterday on lanes that were a bit used but not all that bad. There was definitely more oil than normal though inside the 10 board area. Threw the Octane a few throws first to see what the lanes were like, throwing it over the 12-13 board area out to the 7-8 board area and it worked to perfection.
I then tried the TAG on the same lines and it didn't have enough recovery off the spot, especially if I tugged it a bit, whereas when tugging the Octane, it still performed. To sum it up, the TAG simply didn't "have it" on the back end, so I moved outside and threw straight down the 6-7 board area parallel to the gutter and and the TAG performed great. I feared it being snappy, but it wasn't. When it made it's move, it was really smooth and continous all the way thru the pin deck.
Both balls have similar drillings with the Octane @ 40 x 3 7/8 x 65 with P3 hole and the TAG @ 40 x 3 1/2 x 60 with hole 2" down the VAL.
I have altered the overstock on both balls ... Octane 500 grit sanding and Valentino's Snake Oil Polish ... Tag, I took the polish off and sanded to 2000 grit after first trying it with NIB finish for a few throws the night I had it drilled and it didn't come close to working for me.
I once hated my Octane, but after trying numerous cover adjustments and "maybe" now finding the right one plus my changing my grip to the Joe Slowinski ADT Grip which has upped my revs as I had very low revs, it has been performing really great lately. Anxious to see if it will do same when league starts next week.