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Author Topic: Ascent solid first impression  (Read 2060 times)


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Ascent solid first impression
« on: June 19, 2012, 07:28:28 PM »
I drilled this ball up last week. Layout is 4.5x70x70 (Similar layout as my Thrash 4x65x65 4k) The Ascent got through the heads picked up in the mids with a nice smooth arc to the pocket. And of course it also has the great continuation i have seen from all Motiv balls. At the OOB  surface of 2k it was about 4 and 2 less than my Thrash at 4k.. Prior to bowling last night on the 2012 Bowlers Journal pattern on wood i took the surface to 4k plus polish. As with my slow speed and freshly resurfaced wood this was the correct change as i got similar motion with an increase in length. I call this ball my baby thrash as it has a  very similar motion to the Thrash, just less hook overall.To me at OOB this ball is substantially stronger Oil handling capability) than most other balls at this price point. Another Great release from Motiv
Current arsenal

Break Down 60x4.5x60 @3k+polish
coming soon X,Desert Ops,Special Ops, Shadow Ops., Truth Pearl ,Drift