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Author Topic: What Ball Would You Suggest?  (Read 1675 times)


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What Ball Would You Suggest?
« on: February 10, 2010, 10:04:47 PM »
I have a Brunswick FUZE and it is a 16# and I have lost speed and can not throw as hard or fast with it any longer. Where I use to throw 16 17 I am now only throwing 13 and some times 14 speed.
I am a lefty and throw straight on the first arrow. When I move to the right I can get it in the pocket but leaving the 7 pin as it is still comeing up too fast.The ball goes long and has a gradual hook at the backend. But It tends to come up to fast.I should say, the first game is usually a good game for me but then the 2nd and third game goes down hill as the lanes dry out. It either hits the head pin or just to the right of it.I want to buy a 14# TX1 but I m not sure how it will react to my style of throw. I have a low track with the Fuze.
What would you recommend as comparable to the FUZE Aggressive? In your opinion, Would the 14# TR2 be to0 much for me? I am not a big hook ball thrower. Just down the first arrow and try to get as many REVs as I can. I have went from a 170 adverage to a 155 and it is nerve racking. I have had this Fuze for 6 years now. Pease any help you can give. I hope I explained this good enough that you can give me advise. Thanks J.D


Brett A Spangler

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Re: What Ball Would You Suggest?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2010, 09:51:52 PM »
So, based on what you are saying, I would NOT drill a ball with the Thrust core.  The TX1 is too angular for what you're looking for and the TR2 even with a weak drill is too strong for most house shots (especially with low ball speed).  

I would STRONGLY suggest a Red QZ1.  The QZ1 Red rolls so much like the Fuze line balls.  The Purple would be a bit too early.  It is clean through the front and very smooth.  The core dynamics are almost identical in the QZ1 to the Fuze line.  

I would be interested to know how your previous ball was drilled to suggest a layout.  By the sound of it, I would think about a 2 or 2 1/2 pin to pap.  That layout will smooth the breakpoint and the shell will provide the length.  If that is too early, you might think about a 5 1/2 with a big pin to val buffer.