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Author Topic: 2014 WI State Tournament  (Read 7036 times)


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2014 WI State Tournament
« on: February 09, 2014, 10:36:44 PM »
Anybody been there yet? Not asking how to play the lanes, just wondering what your feelings are to what you've found?



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Re: 2014 WI State Tournament
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2014, 08:52:02 AM »
IMO better have a good ball and trajectory match up at Bowlero to carry back row.  Never seen so many 9/ frames in any tourney.  Of the two Bowlero is tougher on the right side.  Village Beaten Path can be good scoring on older wood as long as your team doesn't mess it up early.


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Re: 2014 WI State Tournament
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2014, 10:39:26 AM »
Bowlero is all the pairs you get on as well
the high side of the counter has less lane friction, the low side of the counter is still OK, but the heads seem to go away faster

To much surface to start and you blow up the pattern for later, if you are comfortable playing in farther, then maybe you can get away with it


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Re: 2014 WI State Tournament
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2014, 11:40:58 AM »
I bowled this past weekend.

The team shot at Village is not bad at all.  I have a feeling you can play a variety of different lines.  I shot 690.

Bowlero was a little bit different.  I think I got unlucky on our doubles pair.  The volume is pretty intense, and I found myself pointing it at the pocket and actually did okay on the left lane (33), but the right lane gave me huge issues.  I couldn't get it to wrinkle -especially compared to the left lane.  If you are speed dominant, or don't have a decent rev rate, I can see a struggling time :(.

I shot 534 for doubles, but when we moved to a different pair for Singles, I shot 667 with a 265 in game three.  The patter definitely had a lot of room after a few games.

534 in double probably cost me some money in all events, but with handicap, 690 something in singles might get me $14 - I can't wait!

Any other reports out there?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 11:48:11 AM by MrNickRo »


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Re: 2014 WI State Tournament
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2014, 08:11:24 PM »
im bowling this friday (4/4) D/S and sunday (4/6) team...any more recent reports about the shot and how everyone is doing? thanx


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Re: 2014 WI State Tournament
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2014, 08:17:06 AM »
bowled the prvious weekend with good results. for minor's , i was on 51-52, then 49-50. the high side of the house plays tighter than the rest of the center. was rolling an iq tour with a 3000 finish. that ball blended out the wet dry start to the pattern. my trajectory to start was 12-13ish to 5-6 downlane. ball rolled great for me & had 762 in doubles. flipped to singles & had earlier roll on this pair & balled down to my reign on. just kept chsing it in as needed to roll 706 in singles.
team is a whole different animal. luck of the draw is key here. i'm told the 3 high pair's are the better lanes. we drew 21-22. it turned out that draw was good. backends are strong to start. but do not move in to quickly or you will possibly run out of room or make the scoring pace on the pair difficult for others. i went with weaker equipment all day. i started with a wild ride tour edition for the first 2 games going 12 to 5, then quickly went 12 to 7-8 as we got into early game 1. in game 3 i balled up to a qz-1 as i had to get in much deeper and finished strong & the team shot 3335 scratch. i contributed 728 for a 2196 ae's.
good luck!


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Re: 2014 WI State Tournament
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2014, 08:02:28 PM »
Well, bowled state this past weekend in Milwaukee. Started the weekend off at Bowlero and found the lanes to be demanding but scoreable. Used my Primal Rage to start both sets. For me the front part of the lanes burned up fast and my ball checked up early which does not suit my slower ball speed. In both sets I should changed to my GT-1 earlier than I did as I found when I did, I could play around the burned up area on the outside part of the lane. Scores within my eye's view were very poor overall. I averaged just under 200, not bad since I'm nursing a bum shoulder. In singles, we moved to a pair which had no lefty play and again I came out striking, but again faltered when the burn happened and only found my groove again too late when switching to the GT-1. Bad decision making hurt me more than the lanes. Could have won some serious bracket money had I wised up sooner but instead settled for a decent take. Scores must have been low because a friend won two brackets while shooting 449.

On Saturday at Village Lanes, I found the lanes played nearly the same for me as at Bowlero, but my shoulder was going downhill fast. I again started with the Rage but it never really played too well for me. After just plugging along with mixed success, I switched to the GT-1 and really got a good look finishing with a 214. I shot exactly my entering average (195) for the tournament. With better spare shooting it would have easily been about 205+.

Did find it humorous though that after all the times I've bowled state at Bowlero, they still add tax to your drink. Paying prices like $3.97 for drink seems goofy and a waste of an employees time that could be better spent helping more customers. Visited Safe House downtown and found it an interesting place that tourists should see at least once. Enjoyed our bartender and Moscow native, Valentina. She was very nice for a KGB agent. :) Spent most of the time at our hotel bar in the Radisson Milwaukee West. Drinks weren't cheap, but made for less worry about drinking and driving.