Hey man, as a Twin City denizen, I can say that in that neck of the woods, Cedarvale Lanes in Eagan is a great choice. Classic, huge house with good folks, good food, and a great pro shop guy in Scott Pohl at Ontrack.
http://www.cedarvalelanes.com/. A bit further, towards Apple Valley, and you can get to Bogarts, which is also a great venue.
http://www.bogartsplace.com/bowling . If you go out a bit more to the east, off of 94, you can go to where I learned to bowl as a kid, Sun Ray Lanes, which will always have a soft spot in my heart.
http://www.sunraylanes.com/ All of these are great houses, with the Pro Shop I head to being the one at Cedarvale, though I do most of my bowling at Sun Ray. Check 'em out, and take it easy.