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Author Topic: Back-to-back Boot Hill Tournaments  (Read 1285 times)

Woody D

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Back-to-back Boot Hill Tournaments
« on: March 08, 2011, 12:08:30 AM »
We have back-to-back Boot Hill Tournaments scheduled on the next two Sundays.  Heads Up! - the location and starting time for each event is different. 


There will be a Boot Hill Tournament on Sunday, March 13 at Fox Bowl in Wheaton, IL.  Starting time is 1  p.m.  The entry fee is $70.  One in four will cash.  The first three prizes are all guaranteed; $1,000 for first, $500 for second and $300 for third.


The condition you will be bowling on in the above event will be a basically flat 32 foot pattern with a slight blend. 


Than on Sunday, March 20 there will be another Boot Hill Tournament at Stardust Bowl in Addison, IL.  Starting time is 5 p.m.  Again the entry fee is $70 with one in four cashing.  The first three prizes are guaranteed; $1,000 for first, $500 for second and $300 for third.


For additional information you may contact Woody at 847-955-1933 or by e-mail at or visit our web site ;