Let me repeat - great bowling to get where you did yesterday. I'm familiar (perhaps a bit too familiar - lol) with your blue microfiber towel. You may or may not know that I am the ABT floor director that retrieved it for you, and later had it attached to my butt.

To all posters,
Johnny Lee bowled great to win Masters yesterday. In the Classic final, it was a battle to see who missed the fewest spares. Brenda White ended up prevailing over Racquel Catacutan. Brenda missed a single pin spare in the tenth, and I'm pretty sure she thought it cost her the match, but she had already shut out Racquel. Spectators kept saying "You didn't need it!" but she just held her head in her hands. I was working the match, and I explained that she had won the tournament. She continued to hold her head in her hands, but I think her tears had turned to tears of joy.
Since all you guys left before the end, you missed another spectacle. I was lucky enough to have my name drawn to bowl Ed and Mike in the "Beat the Director" doubles match with a Classic bowler named Tom (I apologize, but there is no way I can remember how to spell his last name). He led off the match with a strike, and I followed with one. After Ed struck, we put Fagan in the hole. We stuck Fagan again later in the match, but the final outcome was ABT bowlers prevailing over ABT directors. We were getting our handicap, but we ended up not needing it. I could have put up a 248, but Fagan got up at the foul line for my fill ball in the tenth and I bowled between his legs. I should have backed up on the approach, because I ended up too close to him when I delivered the ball. I had to make a fairly significant modification to my shot, and I ended up hitting the OB and taking three off the right for 241 - d'oh!
There is nothing I can add to what has already been said about the conditions at Lombard. I wasn't there on Sunday, but I was home thinking "It has to be brutal over there," because the air never works and they end up having a bunch of huge fans blowing on the concourse. I found out yesterday how right I was.