Regional Action => NorthCentral => Topic started by: DukeHarding on January 04, 2009, 02:21:37 AM
Fun Tournament...
Entry: $25.00 (prepaid) -- $30 on-site
SR. DIVISION this year (62 and up)
also 150 & UNDER Division
Duke Harding
Just got my form in the mail on Saturday. Should be fun. Maybe I'll do a little better than last yr., LOL!!
"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield
Wish I could bowl, i've got a little red card that says I can't... :-(
Will still come out and watch though!
Andrew Loose
"Technology is anything that's really cool that you don't know how it works, and if it breaks, you have to buy a new one!"
You choose to get your card.
Sometime it sucks other times it doesn't.
Mike T.
2nd arrow is for pansies.
I can't wait, it should be fun as always.
Me and my friends will be there this year also. The first time for me.
If I could ever get one day off during the weekend I'll be there for sure. I have a couple of guys that would be willing to go also. Had a great time bowling in it last year even though Lacaze took home all the bracket money.
Duke Harding
Rich, I can't wait to shoot the Elgin No Tap on Feb 7th.
We should also get a squad going for the Huntly Tourney. I believe that has already started. This time let's go with a group. Last year it sucked because not many were in the alley the time we went. I would like to go when it's a full house like it was two years ago.
Rich, I can't wait to shoot the Elgin No Tap on Feb 7th.
We should also get a squad going for the Huntly Tourney. I believe that has already started. This time let's go with a group. Last year it sucked because not many were in the alley the time we went. I would like to go when it's a full house like it was two years ago.
Wish I had more than 6-8 bowlers that signed up with me...
I'm sure we'll have walk-ins from BR.
You want to run a squad for Huntley?
I'm in, for sure.
Would be great to have a BR squad.
Duke Harding
If you would like to add 2 more to you squad me and my cousin will be bowling on the 7th
Ebonite - The One
Raw Hammer - Toxic
Hammer - No Mercy
Storm - Soccer Ball
If you would like to add 2 more to you squad me and my cousin will be bowling on the 7th
Ebonite - The One
Raw Hammer - Toxic
Hammer - No Mercy
Storm - Soccer Ball
Check your PMs....
Duke Harding
I wish it wasnt so far from me. We need more down here on the South Side
Its Hammer Time!!
HammerHead 4 Life
Erick Pawlak shot 298-300-298=896.
We had fun bowling.
Lanes were nice.
Duke Harding
Edited on 2/10/2009 12:58 PM
First tourney for me in a long time. Going with my wife and a bunch of people from our mixed league.
Me and my group will be going on the 22nd of this month should be fun. I have not bowled a no tap in a long time.
was the 898 no-tap???
Just a quick correction... Erick bowled 298 300 298 for a 896 series. Please feel free to check out the latest unofficial standings at
Just a quick correction... Erick bowled 298 300 298 for a 896 series. Please feel free to check out the latest unofficial standings at
Sorry, my was 896...
2 pins does make a big difference.
Duke Harding
was the 898 no-tap???
Wow, what a nice series for Eric. He's vice president in our Thursday Night League there. He's also a lefty so he had his own side to throw on 

"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield
Just got back from this tourney. Shot 752. Should have been about 780-790 but had a couple stupid shots.
Just got back from this tourney. Shot 752. Should have been about 780-790 but had a couple stupid shots.
I was leading the Senior Division with 729...I had to show my ID today.
I opened up 264-278 = 542...Figured I locked the Sr. division,
until I moved to 19-20....
XX/X/OOOXXXX = 178 for 720...
I blamed it on lack of food, lost focus....
Which squad did you shoot? Noon?
I shot 2:30.
Duke Harding
Just got back from this tourney. Shot 752. Should have been about 780-790 but had a couple stupid shots.
I was leading the Senior Division with 729...I had to show my ID today.
I opened up 264-278 = 542...Figured I locked the Sr. division,
until I moved to 19-20....
XX/X/OOOXXXX = 178 for 720...
I blamed it on lack of food, lost focus....
Which squad did you shoot? Noon?
I shot 2:30.
Duke Harding
Ouch. Sorry to see what happened in that last game but good shooting.
I shot the 2:30 squad also. What lanes did you start on? I started 11-12.
Just got back from this tourney. Shot 752. Should have been about 780-790 but had a couple stupid shots.
I was leading the Senior Division with 729...I had to show my ID today.
I opened up 264-278 = 542...Figured I locked the Sr. division,
until I moved to 19-20....
XX/X/OOOXXXX = 178 for 720...
I blamed it on lack of food, lost focus....
Which squad did you shoot? Noon?
I shot 2:30.
Duke Harding
Ouch. Sorry to see what happened in that last game but good shooting.
I shot the 2:30 squad also. What lanes did you start on? I started 11-12.
I started on 15-16...
I saw Tim Nelson, he was bowling pair left of me.
Duke Harding
Wow, a 900 to lead the tourny. I thought Eric's score would win.
Side question on the scoring. Why does the "unofficial standings" list Eric Pawlek w/an 898, but somebody from Elgin Lanes No Tap posted on this thread that he bowled an 896? so which is it? Not that 2 pins make a huge difference, I was just curious.
"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield
Wow, a 900 to lead the tourny. I thought Eric's score would win.
Side question on the scoring. Why does the "unofficial standings" list Eric Pawlek w/an 898, but somebody from Elgin Lanes No Tap posted on this thread that he bowled an 896? so which is it? Not that 2 pins make a huge difference, I was just curious.
"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield
Clay is Tony LaCaze's bud.
I bowled with both of them this year.
Doesn't surprise me that he won it.
Good catch on the score (898 vs 896).
Clay has game.
Duke Harding
@monsterpike The reason the unofficial lists Ericks score as 898 now is the same day that Clay bowled the 900 Erick bowled a 898. His original score was 896, but we only post the highest 3 game total on the unofficial standings. Hope that clears it up. Thanks for watching!
is this the same house that is haven the ill state tourney here in a few weeks??????????
is this the same house that is haven the ill state tourney here in a few weeks??????????
State tournament is at Woodview lanes
102101? Hmmmm
Edited on 2/28/2009 10:23 PM
never mind... i just checked
is this the same house that is haven the ill state tourney here in a few weeks??????????
State tournament is at Woodview lanes
102101? Hmmmm
Edited on 2/28/2009 10:23 PM
have you ever bowled at woodview????
@monsterpike The reason the unofficial lists Ericks score as 898 now is the same day that Clay bowled the 900 Erick bowled a 898. His original score was 896, but we only post the highest 3 game total on the unofficial standings. Hope that clears it up. Thanks for watching!
That would explain it. And no, Thank you.

"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield
Clay shot 900? lol
Clays game looks a lot like Tommy Jones. He's got a ton of revs and speed. Great shooting.