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Author Topic: Grand Boot Hill  (Read 1225 times)

Woody D

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Grand Boot Hill
« on: January 02, 2011, 11:42:51 PM »

The brochures for the 24th Annual Grand Boot Hill are now available. They will be mailed sometime in March.  If you wish to view it now, it is available on our website at If you have moved recently or need extra brochures before March, please e-mail me.

Our goal is to become the highest paying amateur scratch tournament in the country. As all of you know we never short a prize list and ALWAYS PAY OUR GUARANTEES regardless of the amount of entries. Last year we took a chance and doubled our prize fund. We came within about 20 bowlers of breaking even for the tournament. If we get those 20 extra bowlers this year, we will move on to our next step. We need your help in reaching this goal. Please pass the tournament information to bowlers who you think might be interested in bowling what we consider the fairest scratch tournament in the country.

Thank you and we hope to see you in June.