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Author Topic: IL substitute bowler  (Read 1251 times)

V Spec 11

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IL substitute bowler
« on: February 26, 2007, 04:21:00 AM »
I live in Elgin, IL and am throwing this out there to anyone within a 30 min. drive that I am willing to sub.  I am new to the area and want to try and find some local bowlers and eventually get into some leagues.  Just let me know if anyone needs help.

A little about me.  I lived in Bloomington, IL until 2 years ago moved to Bloomingdale and then 1 year ago to Elgin.  I averaged 216 in the last league I bowled in.  I am competitive and hate to lose.
Ebonite - The One
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V Spec 11

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Re: IL substitute bowler
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 02:43:30 PM »
35 views and no replys
Ebonite - The One
Raw Hammer - Toxic
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Re: IL substitute bowler
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2007, 04:03:27 AM »
I live in Elgin, IL and am throwing this out there to anyone within a 30 min. drive that I am willing to sub.  I am new to the area and want to try and find some local bowlers and eventually get into some leagues.  Just let me know if anyone needs help.

A little about me.  I lived in Bloomington, IL until 2 years ago moved to Bloomingdale and then 1 year ago to Elgin.  I averaged 216 in the last league I bowled in.  I am competitive and hate to lose.
Ebonite - The One
Raw Hammer - Toxic
Track - Revmaster
Ebonite - Matrix III
Storm - Soccer Ball

35 views and no response? I have seen postings get 100's of views and only 1 response. The hate to lose part might be part of no responses?


Rick Wunder

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Re: IL substitute bowler
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 09:01:20 AM »
I doubt if ". . . hate to lose" is the problem.

It's a bad time of the season to try to break into a league, since most league seasons are two months or less from completion.

I'll pass along my two cents, FWIW.  I bowl a league at Woodview Lanes (formerly Espo's Country Lanes) in Elgin.  It's located on Woodview Drive, just off of Irving Park Road (Chicago St.) on the east side of Elgin, just west of Elgin Toyota.  I don't have a phone number handy, but I'm sure you could look them up in the phone book.  Although it is probably outdated, they have a sign up as you turn the corner off of Irving Park saying "Bowlers Wanted."

If you don't get in this year, I'd recommend that you consider joining the Friday Night Men's League there next season.  It's a reasonably competitive 5-man team league, usually with around 20 teams.  The prize money is decent, and there is plenty of side action, such as brackets, survivors, high game pots, doubles pots, etc.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

V Spec 11

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Re: IL substitute bowler
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 10:20:13 AM »
I live in Elgin, IL and am throwing this out there to anyone within a 30 min. drive that I am willing to sub.  I am new to the area and want to try and find some local bowlers and eventually get into some leagues.  Just let me know if anyone needs help.

A little about me.  I lived in Bloomington, IL until 2 years ago moved to Bloomingdale and then 1 year ago to Elgin.  I averaged 216 in the last league I bowled in.  I am competitive and hate to lose.
Ebonite - The One
Raw Hammer - Toxic
Track - Revmaster
Ebonite - Matrix III
Storm - Soccer Ball

35 views and no response? I have seen postings get 100's of views and only 1 response. The hate to lose part might be part of no responses?


What is wrong with not wanting to lose?  I have never known someone to be competive in a sport and go into a game or match or whatever and say I think it would be fun to lose today.  I made that statement so that I was not to be confused with someone just going out to have a good time and not be competitive.
Ebonite - The One
Raw Hammer - Toxic
Track - Revmaster
Ebonite - Matrix III
Storm - Soccer Ball


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Re: IL substitute bowler
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2007, 10:26:07 AM »
Nothing wrong with not wanting to lose.  It's how one deals with a loss......IMO.


V Spec 11

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Re: IL substitute bowler
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 10:29:11 AM »
Nothing wrong with not wanting to lose.  It's how one deals with a loss......IMO.

You are exactly right and I am not a big cry baby when I lose.  Trust me I have bowled in leagues with those guys before and I want to beat those guys even more.  I want to be competive when bowling and would not have fun bowling with a group of guys that all average 160 if I am in the 200's, that is all that I was tryig to get across.
Ebonite - The One
Raw Hammer - Toxic
Track - Revmaster
Ebonite - Matrix III
Storm - Soccer Ball