Good deal man! This coming from the guy that wasn't sure if he was gonna make it cuz you were bowling alot this weekend.

I'll be out there again this tues.
That sux, but that is usually how it works there, my friend terrance made the finals last week, guy shot 260 against him i think, he shot 240, a couple of taps killed him.
I think what killed me was the fact that they had to reset our score machine, and we were already behind, so i felt like i needed to catch up. I knew, i was fast on a lot of shots, and missed alot of easy spares. I was annoyed by the whole situation.

In hindsight, i coulda made the cut had i not had been stupid and got frustrated, that is the lowest it has been in the 2 weeks i have been there.

Thanks for the advice sir! I was lined up nice in practice, then i started rushing. I tend to leave the ten there if i get the ball to far outside and throw a stronger ball, i was throwing my rising and it kinda killed me. I normally just throw a tropical it gives me the most area for the carry-fest.

AIM = y2moe99
Edited on 2/21/2008 9:41 PM