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Author Topic: Sport Shot Eliminator Tournament  (Read 887 times)


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Sport Shot Eliminator Tournament
« on: February 15, 2006, 09:44:16 AM »
10:00 A.M. - Sunday, March 26, 2006
$40.00 Pre-Paid Entry Fee
($50.00 the day of the tournament)

Payout Ratio: Pays 1 in 4
Format: Bowl 4 Games across 8 Lanes
Cut to the top 8 bowlers for match play

45-Foot Sport Bowling Oil Pattern

Handicap will be based on 80% of 220 with a maximum number of 25 pins per game

Using 2004-2005 season highest average (unless your current year average is 10 pins higher)

• Entries are on a first paid basis, so sign up soon.
• This will be a non-sanctioned event with all USBC rules applying
• Open to all men & women bowlers

Paone’s Blackhawk Lanes
2325 E. Lincolnway
Sterling, IL 61081
(815) 625-0771