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Author Topic: Sport Shot Eliminitor  (Read 2625 times)


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Sport Shot Eliminitor
« on: October 15, 2006, 12:13:40 AM »
Sport Shot Eliminator at Paone's Blackhawk Lanes - Sterling, IL
10:00 A.M. - Sunday, November 12, 2006
$40.00 Pre-Paid Entry Fee
(Due by Midnight, November 10, 2006 - $50.00 if paid after this)
Limited to the First 100 Paid Entries


Bowl 4 Games across 8 Lanes
Then Cut to the Top 8 bowlers for Match Play
9:30AM Check-In
Payout Ratio: Pays 1 in 4

Open to all men & women bowlers

Entries are on a first paid basis

Handicap is based on 80% of 220 with a MAXIMUM number of 25 pins per game

Use highest 2005-2006 final average based on 21 or more games

If no last years average, use current average of 21 games or more as of October 31, 2006

If this years average is 10 pins or more over last years, use current average as of October 31, 2006

If no average, bowl scratch

This will be a non-sanctioned event with all USBC rules applying



Rc Charger

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Re: Sport Shot Eliminitor
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2006, 07:47:24 AM »
Sounds like fun,  maybe I'll have something else in the other the big B stuff.  Have a good one guys.