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Author Topic: The Proprietors Cup  (Read 1598 times)


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The Proprietors Cup
« on: July 26, 2012, 04:04:37 AM »
Proprietors Cup reaches 1st year goals!
Friday - Senior Megabuck - 4 bowlers @ $400 - $1,440 1st Place. (Matt Gibson)
Friday evening - Ace Mitchell All-Star Team Challenge - $250/team, 14 all-star teams sponsored $10k prize fund. 42 teams, 5 per team, $5,000 to All-Star Team Champs (Team Ebonite), $5,000 to top amateur team (Get R Dun), over $30,000 in brackets
Saturday/Sunday - The Proprietors Cup - $1,100 buy in -  55 paid entries, $55,000 prize fund, Shannon Pluhowsky wins ($15,950). Tournament paid 1:5.
I bring this up because I had NO added prize for the Pro-Cup. I needed NO sponsors. It was aired on for free, they had 95,000 hits on Sunday (finals) and there was NO COST to watch.
We ran satellite events all over the country, as does poker. Brandon Novak won 2nd place, $9,900, and he won his $1,100 entry at a satellite event for $65. Many will say, this tournament was on a MOD. House Shot, what good is that. Well my goal with this event is to show the 'average Joe Bowler' how good these bowlers are. They don't know 'sport' shots or why their fellow league bowlers shoot higher scores then the pros on television. The problem with bowling is 97% of bowlers don't average 220 or higher, they are not 'tournament bowlers' but everyone thinks they are educated enough in bowling to understand 'lane conditions'. Until we educate the 1.7 million league bowlers how good these pros are, nothing will ever get better!



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Re: The Proprietors Cup
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2012, 11:41:17 AM »
Well said and congratulations on such a successful event.
Rod Piasecki
Lord Field Staff