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Author Topic: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament  (Read 7697 times)


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$800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:58:43 AM »
Colony Park Lanes North is hosting on:
Sunday January 31st..
10am start time-- cost $50-- lineage $10, prize fund $40
10 game marathon on a modified house pattern.
$800 dollars for first place based on ONLY 40 ENTRIES!!!
High game and brackets also being held.
This will be by far the best tournament of the year to attend locally!!!
Call ahead and reserve your spot today.

Colony Park Lanes North
1900 Pennsylvania Ave. York, PA 17404
(717) 848-6262
Rick Mitchell
Roto-Grip Staff Member


Donald Trump

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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2010, 07:54:40 PM »
Let me also state that I don't care if the lanes are hard or easy, that's not the point here.  The point is he said one condition and put out another.  Like the others have said: DON'T TELL ANYONE THE SHOT AHEAD OF TIME!

There was no way this was a 35 foot pattern. No chance!


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2010, 08:17:51 PM »
You lazy arsewhole!!!!

Please stay in NY!!!!!

We do not want Donald  no profile Chumps on here complaining about tournament they do not have the guts to attend.

35ft and 50 mls which is what he posted should play tough.

You are a no talent no brain no profile idiot..... PLease stay home.

Donald Trump

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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2010, 08:24:12 PM »
Yes it does play tough but 35 feet in length will not allow a right hander to take the 10 pin off of a full rack while playing any part of the lane.

Sorry it just couldn't be 35 feet for that to happen!

He lied!


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2010, 09:15:15 PM »
Let me say once again Thank You for all that attended. I truly tried my best. For those that know me, I am a bowlers first, a center manager second, so I feel "DONALD TRUMP" has no clue. I can re-run the pattern at ANYTIME you want to come in and look at it, graph it, whatever you want "MR DONALD TRUMP". I took a house from the 80-90's era, and added volume to the outside to make it a little flatter. I did it to show how tough the lane conditions were when Don Kauffman was alive and bowling at his peak. If I would have had more prepaid entries, I could have said to the owner I need more lanes, I had 9 prepaid entries, 71 were either emailed me or were walk-ins. I was un-sure if all the people that emailed me would show up, If everyone that emailed me would have shown up, I would had over 100 entries. With only 11 prepaid, it was hard to judge how many lanes I would need. I WILL run a similar tournament in March with the modern modified house pattern that I used in the fall and on New Years Day here with the same $50 entry and $800 first place based on 40 entries. Thanks again for everyone attending and look for a post of March's tournament.
Rick Mitchell
Roto-Grip Staff Member


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #50 on: February 01, 2010, 09:26:38 PM »
Now that I read the second page of comments, I feel I must confess something to MR. DONALD TRUMP..... IT WAS 35 FOOT PATTERN........ send me your email and I will pull the pattern out of my KOSI from KEGEL and send it to you, so you can bowl on it and then you will be able to apology to me and the people that bowled on it. Heck, I will send you the loads so you can duplicate at the center in New York, if there is a center that would down load it for you, and heck since I'm a liar, I will also, at NO EXTRA COST, send you the pattern that we used in the fall and New Years Day here... Just to show good faith, and that you can get a jump on the pattern we will use in March, that way there will be no crying. Because there is NO CRYING in BOWLING in PA and MD..I have run tournaments at this center the last 2 years and NOT ONE bad tournament. Please bowlers that attended do not shy away from March's tournament, I will be using the pattern from New Years Day and last fall... Watch for tournament details soon. Take care my bowling friends.
Rick Mitchell
Roto-Grip Staff Member


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #51 on: February 01, 2010, 10:42:58 PM »
I would like to thank Rick and Colony Park for a great tournament. Sure it took 8 hours to bowl 10 games on a grind out pattern, but that is a true marathon event, isn't it? lol.  I also would like to thank Rick for putting out something tough for us to bowl on.  It wasn't the toughest pattern I bowled on, but it was 35', outside was OB, and it had quite a bit of volume (sounds eerily similar to Rick's post on here about the pattern before the tournament, doesn't it?).  Bottom line, it played fair.  I do think we got more entries because people thought it was going to be more walled up.  

On top of that, people have the nerve to come on here and chastise the tournament director saying he lied about the pattern.  He spent tons of time and effort putting this great tournament together, only charged us $1/game lineage (don't even get me started on Bowl America's $3.50/game lineage fee for tournaments), and spread the word to get 80+ entries, and all anyone can complain about is the pattern being too hard, cause it was supposed to be a "modified house shot", which could play like literally anything, depending on how "modified" it was.  Would you have rather it had been The Red Eye where it took a 240 average to make any money?  I would rather go to Atlantic City and put $80 on red than bowl that BS.

Overall, I think lower entry fees might attract more bowlers, even if tougher conditions prevail. As Mike L said, pots/brackets are where most of the money is, so let those who want to spend a few hundred put it into the side action, and the entry fee is a sort of bonus at the end if you bowled well. I think the $50 entry fee was good, or even go lower to attract those who are just looking for experience in tournaments, not necessarily to make money bowling them.

Dave Lughermo
Michigan State University Bowling Alumni

Mich State bowler as well

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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2010, 05:07:46 AM »
Oh great it’s the great Dave L.  This guy can’t bowl his way out of a paper bag but yet he comes on here talking about high scores or tough patterns.  Do us all a favor and stop contributing to the slow pace and adhere to 1 or 2 lane courtesy.  Stop waiting for 3 pairs on each side.  Have you ever noticed you are always on the last pair of lanes to finish?  You walked around college with an ego and now you walk around local tournaments with your head in the clouds.  Post your bowling resume sometime.  Oh that’s right, you don’t have one.  You’re just another league bowling hack who needs the wall like the next guy.  Let me know the next time you go 300 over on any pattern before you complain about a 300 over score.

Can someone help this guy find his way out of the paper bag?


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2010, 06:02:24 AM »
I try and stand up for the tournament director and the sport of bowling itself and this is what I get, last time I post on here...this site is full of trolls.  You''re right "Mich St Bowler as well", I''m horrible and I never bowl well.  And I don''t need to post my bowling resume cause I''''m sure you will find something else wrong with it, plus I have a real job. Sure, my head is in the clouds at times, but I''''m not the only one. My temper is something I was born with, and it sucks.  You tell me how easy it is to control it when you have walked a day in my shoes.  Everyone says I have an ego at first, have you tried having a legitimate conversation with me?  I''m quiet off the lanes and have a temper on the lanes, not a good combination for gaining rapport from people when you first start bowling with them. Maybe I''ll just stop caring as much anymore, I''m sure that will help. Yes, I am a slow bowler, you are right about that, and sorry if I have offended you with my slow pace, I will try and speed things up.  Obviously you know of me, at least somewhat. I''m sure you will turn my words against me again, good luck.
Dave Lughermo
Michigan State University Bowling Alumni

Edited on 2/2/2010 7:07 AM

Edited on 2/2/2010 7:10 AM


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2010, 10:34:22 AM »
 don't listen to this idiot.  You are a good bowler and nothing wrong with the way you approach the game.

BTW you aren't consistently the last pair done.  That belongs to another team in our
ROTO GRIP, There is NO Substitute
Slow Feet, Soft hand = Lots of strikes

Mich State bowler as well

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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #55 on: February 02, 2010, 10:39:46 AM »
I try and stand up for the tournament director and the sport of bowling itself and this is what I get, last time I post on here...this site is full of trolls.  You''re right "Mich St Bowler as well", I''m horrible and I never bowl well.  And I don''t need to post my bowling resume cause I''''m sure you will find something else wrong with it, plus I have a real job. Sure, my head is in the clouds at times, but I''''m not the only one. My temper is something I was born with, and it sucks.  You tell me how easy it is to control it when you have walked a day in my shoes.  Everyone says I have an ego at first, have you tried having a legitimate conversation with me?  I''m quiet off the lanes and have a temper on the lanes, not a good combination for gaining rapport from people when you first start bowling with them. Maybe I''ll just stop caring as much anymore, I''m sure that will help. Yes, I am a slow bowler, you are right about that, and sorry if I have offended you with my slow pace, I will try and speed things up.  Obviously you know of me, at least somewhat. I''m sure you will turn my words against me again, good luck.
Dave Lughermo
Michigan State University Bowling Alumni

Edited on 2/2/2010 7:07 AM

Edited on 2/2/2010 7:10 AM

The first step to recovery is to admit your faults.  Good job slow poke.


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2010, 10:47:53 AM »
I love how ballreviews has turned into a forum for trolls to hide and talk trash behind fake profiles.
Andrew Hurst
Hopkinsville or Bust


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2010, 11:35:03 AM »
It was GREAT to see 80 bowlers show up for a non PBA regional tournament. With so many bowlers showing up with out pre-registering (Rick repeatedly asked for pre-registers) it is very hard to account for the number of bowlers you will get. At that point, no matter what Rick did, people were going to have a fit about something. Yes, seven on a pair and a grind type condition, made for a very long day, but what was he to do, turn bowlers away?? How would that have gone over??
The question that should be asked, is how as a tournament bowler, do "I" help a TD not let this happen again?
1) Pre register when TD is taking pre-registration.
2) Bowl when it is your turn to bowl! Don''t be off in the bar, or talking to your buddies ten lanes away, be ready to bowl when it is your turn!
3) Bowl more tourneys, so that TD''s can raise their expectations on how many bowlers will show up.
4) Bowl when it is your turn, oh thats right, I already said this one. This is the great thing about PBA regionals, bowlers, for the most part, are there to bowl, and not socialize, or are not off checking their brackets when they are up.

I just think it is a bit sad, that here you have a "successful" turn out for a tournament, WHAT BOWLERS KEEP ASKING FOR, and it seems that Rick is getting land blasted more than being praised, when it is us as tournament bowlers, that actually makes or breaks a good tournament.

Thanks Rick for running a tournament. If scheduling permits, I will see you at the next one.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA

Edited on 2/2/2010 12:37 PM
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!

Mike L

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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2010, 12:01:21 PM »
A couple things

First off yes thank you rick for a good tournament, shot was fair and demanding.  Yes the pace was slow but oh well not much you could do about that.  However if the PBA guys and the guys that wanted 2 lanes would have just gave 1 lane it would have went alot faster.  I for one bowled next to Cavey and his crew and I told them right from the get go im only giving and taking one lane and if they wanted 2 theyd have to wait which they did and that made us wait 10-15 mins every game and that was fine by us, but it would have been alot quicker with 1 lane.  What do you guys think about anyway????

Sorry Tommy but when I spend anywhere from $500-$1000 before throwing a ball, yeah id like to take a minute or 2 to see how many brackets I made it by.  Now don't get me wrong I do pay attention to when im bowling but yeah I look at them.  Thats whats wrong with regionals and why guys like myself don't bowl, no side action at all.  

Yes the pattern was described as a modified house pattern, but once again that could be absolutely anything, let your ball decide on how to play them not the TD telling you what the pattern is.

Stop all the whining, shoe up and bowl!
"Typical House Bowler"


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2010, 12:21:28 PM »
Mike L,

You are not what I am talking about. You have an awareness of when it is your turn. I am talking about the guys who get into 2 brackets, and decide to go and try and find their bracket, when they are the next bowler up, and then go try to see what their opponent is doing. And besides, when you get in a ton of brackets, it doesn't take that long to figure out where you are, since your in all of them, and probably have a good idea of what you shot compared to the rest of the field.
I agree with the two lane courteous, I didn't do it, and for that I know a couple of guys around me backed off, but TD said no two lane, so I didn't give it, unless a bowler had a string going. But in all fairness, when the PBA every other pair of lanes rule is done correctly, it really is the fastest pace you can bowl.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #60 on: February 02, 2010, 12:26:25 PM »
I love how ballreviews has turned into a forum for trolls to hide and talk trash behind fake profiles.
Andrew Hurst
Hopkinsville or Bust

I certainly know that to be true!!!
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Pro Shop Owner/Operator
 Check out current eBay auctions at: Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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