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Author Topic: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament  (Read 7654 times)


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$800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« on: January 06, 2010, 06:58:43 AM »
Colony Park Lanes North is hosting on:
Sunday January 31st..
10am start time-- cost $50-- lineage $10, prize fund $40
10 game marathon on a modified house pattern.
$800 dollars for first place based on ONLY 40 ENTRIES!!!
High game and brackets also being held.
This will be by far the best tournament of the year to attend locally!!!
Call ahead and reserve your spot today.

Colony Park Lanes North
1900 Pennsylvania Ave. York, PA 17404
(717) 848-6262
Rick Mitchell
Roto-Grip Staff Member


Donald Trump

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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #76 on: February 03, 2010, 07:47:50 PM »

I agree with not saying what the pattern is.

In your opinion, if you put a 35 foot flat pattern down with the caliber of bowlers your tournaments draw, do you think -74 would be the cash cut in a tournament that pays 1 in 5?

Would 8th place be around -74 on 40 entries?
Would 10th place be around -74 on 50 entries?

And please don't respond saying "depends on the surface"  that would be taking the easy way out and avoiding the question.


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #77 on: February 03, 2010, 08:15:59 PM »
Donald Trump,

You are correct, the pattern at Colony Park did not play like a usual 35ft pattern does. Usually, outside of 5 is where to play and you basically have 5 to the gutter to strike from if your angles are correct and you have the right ball in your hands. But, there was added volume and the pattern was not as crowned as most 35ft. patterns, such as PBA Cheetah or Kegel Boardwalk.  Believe me, it hooked, but just not off the gutter where most people are used to playing them when they are 35ft. When people tried to move in, there was not much hold either, until the lanes carried down.  This could have contributed to the low scoring pace.  On the fresh, if you moved in and got your ball to 5-8 at the break point and were able to control your downlane reaction, I believe that was your best bet. After that, the move was left the rest of the day. Overall, yes the pattern was fairly flat, and only a few people were able to play straight up the gutter, but you had to be going right to left (for right handers) or else your ball would never read the lane. Plus, your touch had to be spot on, if you hit it at all the ball was ducking left in a hurry.
Dave Lughermo
Michigan State University Bowling Alumni


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #78 on: February 03, 2010, 09:27:01 PM »
Dave, I have to disagree with you.  On the left side, your break point is usually near the 5 board, but on the right, your break point is normally around 8-10 for the THS there.  If you get it wide at Colony North (5 to the gutter) on the right side, it usually doesn't recover, no matter what the shot is. I bowl two leagues there during the winter, and the PBAx league in the summer.  Cheetah doesn't even play the same as I've found in other places.  This has always been the tendency since they installed synthetics.

The only exception to this is when you play it along the gutter very early.  I'm pretty sure this 35 ft shot that Rick put out, probably put oil to the gutter.

BTW, those of you that remember the Memorial Day weekend tournament that Colony used to have...  that pattern was short (32-35 ft), but you rarely saw anyone score near the gutter.  Same reason as what I stated above.

Finally, are some of you really complaining about decent tournaments in the area again?  Really?  The shot will NEVER be perfect for everyone, and obviously it wasn't impossible to score with at least 3 people averaging over 210.


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #79 on: February 04, 2010, 06:58:53 AM »

Surface PLAYS a major role in how the pattern will play. For example, Kegel's Rt. 66 pattern (45') will play very different on an HPL surface vs. Brunswick Pro AnviLane. HPLs are well known as a high friction surface. That being said, I could see the 35' pattern that Rick put down on Sunday playing more like 32'.

I had a great conversation with Steve Cross (former PBA lanesman for 10 years who now works for Kegel) the other day about lane surfaces. He stated that the reason that some centers have hang towards the outsides is because of how they are installed. AMF bolts the "pine area" down on the 1 board, whereas Brunswick and a few other synthetic lane manufacturers bolt their lane beds down on the 2 board creating that infamous "hang spot" on all of their surfaces regardless of the pattern. As of early 2009, they were informed of this finding and the results have been much better with all of the recent installations with regards to the "hang spot" in the pine area.  

Colony's install may have their's bolted down on the 2 board...

Not sure what the scores would be like if I put down a 35' pattern. With 7 on a pair and that HPL surface, I could see those scores being that low.
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director
Tony Walton
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Since 2002


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #80 on: February 04, 2010, 10:08:56 AM »

I agree with not saying what the pattern is.

In your opinion, if you put a 35 foot flat pattern down with the caliber of bowlers your tournaments draw, do you think -74 would be the cash cut in a tournament that pays 1 in 5?

Would 8th place be around -74 on 40 entries?
Would 10th place be around -74 on 50 entries?

And please don't respond saying "depends on the surface"  that would be taking the easy way out and avoiding the question.

Part of the problem here is you are so arrogant that you think you can say from 3 states away, that -74 is too low of a score for a 35 foot condition.  Do you know so much about bowling, oil distribution, and lane play that you can honestly say there is no way that -74 is pssible for  low to cash on ANY 35 foot pattern?

No.  No one knows that much.  

Also lets look at what modified means.  It means they took an exisiting pattern and altered it.  That would mean that it is likely that there is no other pattern that plays exactly like that. So chances are in all of your vast bowling experience you have never played on this particular pattern  

That alone would lead to the ability and probability that it is possible.

You weren't there bowling on it, all of the people that were there one here say it was legit. so stop assuming and slandering the tournament director.

Pay attention to NY.  If you want to come here and bowl, you have been invited.  Check out and  Show up, shoe up and see what happens.
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Donald Trump

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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #81 on: February 04, 2010, 10:35:05 AM »
I'll bowl you any time Krakken.  Who are you?  Stop hiding behind a screen name.

And no, not everyone thinks it was a legit condition based on what the TD said it was going to be.

A legit condition? Yes

A condition that the TD posted a month prior?  No

He knew a day or two before that he was not going to use the "modified 35ft house shot" and even told a few people and had the lanes conditioned with the pattern he knew he was going to use for Sunday's tournament the night before for bowlers to practice on.

He listened to too many people who put the fear in him as to what high scores might do to future entries.

I'm still not buying what Rick is selling.  Sorry


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #82 on: February 04, 2010, 10:54:52 AM »
Wow for someone who didn't bowl in the tournament you sure do have a lot to say about a shot you didn't bowl on.


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #83 on: February 04, 2010, 10:59:56 AM »
I'll bowl you any time Krakken.  Who are you?  Stop hiding behind a screen name.

And no, not everyone thinks it was a legit condition based on what the TD said it was going to be.

A legit condition? Yes

A condition that the TD posted a month prior?  No

He knew a day or two before that he was not going to use the "modified 35ft house shot" and even told a few people and had the lanes conditioned with the pattern he knew he was going to use for Sunday's tournament the night before for bowlers to practice on.

He listened to too many people who put the fear in him as to what high scores might do to future entries.

I'm still not buying what Rick is selling.  Sorry

Hiding behind a screen name?  I take it you are the real Donald Trump then?  I will bowl anyone anytime no biggie.  You may beat me, I may beat you.  That is not what this is about. Though it seems I have hit a nerve.

You are flat out calling the TD a liar (while hiding behind a screen name). I have yet to see anyone that bowled in the tournament claim that it wasn't a 35 ft pattern, and I have talked to quite a few but you, who wasn't even in the state at the time of the tourney, fell it is right to bash the man on here.

Your claims would be taken better if you had bowled in the tournament.  Rick runs good tournaments from what I have been told ( haven't had the pleasure yet) things go wrong all the time, but I would take his word over your assumptions any day.

Stop slandering him, especially about something that you weren't a part of.
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Donald Trump

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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #84 on: February 04, 2010, 11:07:55 AM »
Friends who bowled told me exactly how the gutter played and to call that 35ft is flat out untrue.

I have bowled several of Rick's tournaments and he does run a good tournament.  No one is disputing that.  Rick's ability to run a quality is not in question here.

What is in question is the 35ft "modified house shot"


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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #85 on: February 04, 2010, 11:22:57 AM »
Friends who bowled told me exactly how the gutter played and to call that 35ft is flat out untrue.

I have bowled several of Rick's tournaments and he does run a good tournament.  No one is disputing that.  Rick's ability to run a quality is not in question here.

What is in question is the 35ft "modified house shot"

"MODIFIED" being the key word.  How was it modified?  Did he go out there with a spray bottle and soak the ouside 5 boards?  That is a "modified" 35 ft pattern.

Again you are still assuming a great deal based on how your friends said it played.

It still isn't right that you are on here calling the man a liar. He even offered to send you the pattern, though to be fair, surface has everything to do with it.

The right thing to do would be to either come down here and play on it in that house, or stop slandering him, and you are slandering him. And if you do, make sure you take in to account what equipment you would bring for a 35 ft modified house shot.

it just seems strange that your "frineds" that bowled in it, haven't chimed in, but you have from NY?
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Mr Straight Ball

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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #86 on: February 04, 2010, 12:03:57 PM »
DT, you are consistent, I give you that! You consistently down talk about a tournament you did not bowl, the norm. Or you talk down to another forum member about how you can beat them. Let me be the first to apologize to you for our ignorance.

I look forward to seeing you at Opposites Attract in June, shutting everyone up! We had plenty of entries from the NY & NJ area so I am sure you can catch a ride. Save your dollars and make them stack, because we do not accept Hasboro's Monopoly money.
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Re: $800 First Place-- Marathon Tournament
« Reply #87 on: February 04, 2010, 02:40:34 PM »
I bowled and have to say the outsides did not play like it was 35 feet.  The ball never tried to wrinkle the last 25 feet. You'd just get 3 off the right or get zero if you pitched it out there OR even started the ball out there.  It was definitely hard, especially with dry heads the last few games.

I do have a question for Rick.  You said you "wanted the pattern to produce good scores, but not a have a complete blow up of scores."  That is cool and everything, but I am just wondering, have you used this pattern in other tournaments?  You seemed confident the scoring would be decent with this pattern but it wasn't even close.  The scoring was about as low as you could possibly get for 80 guys in the east.

Just wondering because I think you've probably scared away a bunch of future entries by putting that pattern out.

And honestly I've gotten to the point with bowling these days that if I'm going to bowl a tournament, it's going to be on a house shot.  I have nothing to prove to anybody and I know my lack of skill.  I don't need it magnified by 100 times on a sport shot or "35 foot flat pattern" to show how bad I am.  I know my place.  Bowling is entertainment these days for me along with a few of my friends.  If we are going to bowl, it will probably be on something relatively easy with a decent entry Hagerstown and Chambersburg.  I know my best is probably one of the last few cash spots regardless of condition, but I feel more comfortable on a house pattern so that is what I will bowl on.  

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way but I'm probably the only one who will say it.    

C.J. Batten