Susquehanna River Tribe in the house!!!
Smoke signals along mighty Susquehanna say, new
Tribe on the Horizon. Signals say they are from
land of lakes by Spry. Often overheard by this
Tribe is alot of questions of there where abouts??
From what Old Louie White Hair could get from the Smoke
was they are known as the Fuqarwee Tribe. In the words
of Vinnie ChopSteaks, "Step off Lost Boys, a River is
bigger than a Lake." Chief Whistler agrees and say,
"This is no optimal illusion, I saw the lakes and for
the most part this might or might not be accurate now
or later, maybe."
Susquehanna River Tribe would like to sponsor the New
Tribe in tournament.
Peace out Lost Lakers
2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack